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Aging and Growth measurements

Figure 1.
Figure 2.

Figure 1. Winter – grade lines on shells of Littorina littorea sampled in middle of June 1997; A – the individual having survived for three winters, B – the individual having survived for 8 winters, C – the individual having survived for 12 winters; + - growth increment of current season, 1 - 12 – winter – grade lines numbered according to winters survived.
Figure 2. The diagram of a snail shell measurements; L – last winter grade line, - angle increment, d0.- shell diameter at the moment of winter – grade line formation (beginning of the current growth season).

Snails were aged using both the number and position of winter growth interruption lines on the shell’s surface (Figure 1). The mechanism of formation of these lines on the shells of White Sea intertidal snails is described in Gorbushin (1993). As a natural mark of the beginning of the snail growth season (late May) the last winter grade line was used. Two further measurements were taken from each shell: shell diameter at the level of the last winter growth interruption line (d0), and shell angle gain () from the last winter interruption line to the rim of the shell aperture (Figure 2). Because the specimens were collected almost at the end of the snail growth season (autumn frosts are possible already in early September), the angle gain measured here can be considered to represent annual growth. All measurements were taken under the stereomicroscope using a standard ocular provided with a micrometer and an ocular angle meter. For angle growth measurement, the shell was vertically oriented so that the collumular axis was perpendicular to the plane of measurements. The error of the diameter measurement did not exceed 0.05 mm and the angle gain was measured with pi/32 accuracy.
Data analysis. Since growth rate decreases with snail size (see results), a comparison of growth rates between infected and uninfected specimens was carried out by applying a paired two-tailed t-test on pairs of snails with similar shell diameter at the last winter line (d0). Pairs of snails were chosen (where possible) randomly from the database using a computer algorithm. The same analysis was performed with similar aged pairs. Due to possible growth rate differences between sexes only individuals of the same sex were paired.

Evaluation of the method Because angle gain from an identified last growth interruption line on the shell as a measure of growth rate rarely has been applied on gastropods, it may be appropriate to comment on the advantages and disadvantages of this method in studies of parasite-induced growth changes. In comparison with the usually applied methods measuring changes in shell-height (or width) during mark-recapture studies in the field or under controlled laboratory conditions, the present method has several advantages. (1) Measurements of angle gain is considerable more accurate than any measures of growth based on changes in shell height or width, especially when dealing with slow growing species or specimens. (2) The method avoids artifacts that may occur due to parasite-induced shell-deformation unrelated to actual growth rate but nevertheless affecting shell-height or width (Wesenberg-Lund, 1934; Rothschild, 1936; Sturrock & Sturrock, 1971; Ankel, 19XX; S. R. Martorelli pers. com. regarding Potamolithus agapetus Pilsbry, 1911). (3) It avoids problems with spire-erosion that might invalidate conclusions in mark-recapture studies where only shell-height is measured (see e.g. Huxham et al., 1993). (4) Measurements of angle gain is easy and time-saving, and there will be no problems with low rates of recapture usually experienced in mark-recapture studies. (5) In comparison with laboratory experiments the method benefits from its direct in situ approach thereby avoiding artifacts such as unrealistic availability of food (see e.g. Fenández & Esch, 1991).

Beside the above advantages, also a few disadvantages should be recognized. (1) The method assumes that measured specimens all have been infected (or uninfected) throughout the period from the formation of the last growth interruption line. However, if this is not true it only increases the variance in the group of both infected and uninfected snails, and hence, do not necessarily affects the conclusion if the sample sizes are sufficiently large. (2) In species of snails where gigantism seems to be present, it might be argued that a high angle gain (= high growth rate) in a particular infected individual could be attained because it has been especially active in feeding and therefore more likely to encounter infective parasite stages (eggs or miracidia), and consequently have had a higher probability of becoming infected. However, since trematode infections appear to increase the growth rate of Hydrobia spp. (Gorbushin, in press), whereas no or a negative effect is observed in Littorina littorea (this study) - in both case using the method of angle gain - that possibility seems only to be minor importance if present at all. Moreover, in populations of at least longer-lived snails, the trematode-infections seems to accumulate only very slowly (Curtis, 1996), which minimize the probability that new infections arise during a single growth season or period.

Finally, it should be emphasized that the identification of the last growth interruption line as the critical point in using the method of angle gain, has shown to be a reasonable easy task both on Hydrobia and Littorina shells. That these lines actually represent a period of growth interruption or at least a suitable starting point for growth estimates, is demonstrated by the observation of the overall decrease in angle gain with increasing shell size in both Hydrobia and Littorina (see Gorbushin, in press and Results). Such negative relationship between growth rate and size is perhaps the most notorious observation in studies of gastropod growth.

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Trematodes - Life cycles
Competition between Hydrobia spp.
Regeneration in Hydrobia
The Method of Aging and Growth Measurements
Enigma of Gigantism of Snails infected with Trematodes