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Arsenic, Laytex, & Lace : Webzine for Music & Lifestyles.

Why such a weird title?

Hello darlings! Well somethings have changed. I've moved home to care for my mother. Am inbetween jobs right now (I'm going nuts being in the house when I'm not out job hunting) and I want it to be fall so I can go back to school.....Sounds crazy yes but I HATE being unoccupied. College isn't bad at all and look at all the weird stuff you learn. COMING ATTRACTION: THE ORGANIC BUSTER PAGE! I will be starting a page on going organic...Various websites to go to for those organic goodies....Oh and lists of things to avoid on any label. I discovered today that just because it's Vegan doesn't always mean it's healthy for us....A good example one site offers Vegan coffee creamer. A big no-no on any food label is anything Hydrogenated....The first or second thing on the creamer? Partial Hydrogenated Coconut oil.....So once we get that started I'll add it in.. On to other things. How often have you thought about a career? What do Goths do for a living to keep us in the lifestyle we're acustomed to? I personally am going to college to become an History Teacher.... Email me with info on this and I'll begin putting together a career page. I think it would be great to encourage baby goths every where to pursue higher goals. Just because we live our lives differently doesn't mean we don't have normal mundane jobs. Now blending into the backround of said jobs can be hard but hey that's half the fun. Finally will someone please tell me who made a rule saying that all goths only wear black? I swear to the Gods if I hear one more person tell me that I'm going to scream! We wear every color in the rainbow (Me personally I hate yellow, orange, and most shades of green). I admit a good 70% of my wardrobe consists of dark colors which is exactly why the other 30% consists of various shades of lighter colors. Nothing sends a good jolt to the system like seeing your unusal gothy friend show up in white, pink, lilac, insert non-dark color here. If you have pictures send them. I want to start a sort of goth with a heart page here. Well I hope to hear from ya'll soon. Thanks for taking a peek at me and I promise new articles soon.

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Arsenic, Laytex, & Lace: Webzine for Music & Lifestyles
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