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The Disregarded War





It is the year 1159 of the dragon and the war between Kasuria and Drakoria wages on. Anxious eyes look on and wait, watching in mixed fear and anger. With the recent fall of Harfang, things have grown worse for the Kasurians.

Especially the wyrmmes..

For years, the threat to immigrant Drakorians and Kasurian born wyrmmes was there..mostly dormant, but still present. Like the flu, the hate seemed to come in waves, often triggered by something small or major. It could be something as non serious, as the hatred went, from comments and banning draconic blood from certain public places. It could also be quite serious, such as violence and even murder.
A few dozen years ago, the first wave of terror for the wyrmmes struck when a mated pair of Drakorians visiting from the western lands were slain. Word said they had a child with them, but the body was never found. Since that incident, a few others have happened. No one was ever caught for these crimes.. it was as if they were phantoms.. undetectable. Either that, or no one cared about these unfortunate 'lizards' who were slain just for being what they were.
In recent times, with the approaching cold, the hearts of furres can rest for now, it seems. The cold blooded attackers would surely not continue their raid in temperatures they were not meant to endure. For Kasurian wyrmmes, the threat was always, and would always, be there.
There was a war within Kasuria, yes.. but one which hardly anybody knew of, save those directly involved...


