Msg Board
    May 4th, 2003 - William

      /cheer me! I've done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with my website LOL. Actually I'm gonna turn it into a personal website and do like personal things. I've recently decided to take a break from Everquest. Don't get me wrong, I love the evercrackness BUT it really plays into my real life, like A LOT. I think I'm going to add a journal section so all the people who don't come to my sight can like not read it =p

      Here's to hoping I find something better /cheers


    January 18, 2003 - William

      According to my poll on my msg board that 3 people have clicked on =( more EQ info was asked for. I obtained an older Plane of Growth guide, updated it some and added it to the Links section. Going to go scavenging for some more guides. Also posted a jpg in the links section that pertains to Planes of Power Flagging Progression. Going to try and make an HTML version of it w/o pictures that gives specifics on alternate quests and more specifics on each flagging.


    December 18, 2002 - William

      HaHaHa! I redid website again! I tried to learn from some others and for those who understand this I just figured out... well kind of that you can set a table up that determines the background for the whole page then you apply the stuff over the top of it. If your not careful though you get this WEIRD ass bleed effect and well suffice to say its not fun since I've spent the last 2hrs figuring out how to fix it.

      I'm working on getting eveyrthing in the right spot then I can just feed information in. Also since Angelfire is free but doesn't give a whole lot of space going to open a 2nd website up that is just for pics gallery and link that website to this one. I think it should work okay. GAH! Now I have to reapply this new layout to EVERY page /sigh. /hug Copy & Paste.

      UPDATE: Added it to all the pages & got everything like 90% setup.

