~*~Sleepy Valley Ranch~*~

Hi, welcome to Sleepy Valley Ranch in the heart of Rural England. My name is Ryan and I own this place. Please feel free to have a look around and maybe join our small gathering here!
¤The ranch is surrunded by pineforest which emits a woody scent in the air, making the place seem very laid back and isolated. You seem very tired all of a sudden, but that is the nature of this place! As you look around the ranch you see many horses out grazing, numerous feilds to provide plenty of grazing. There is also an inside and outside arena, cross country course and a trail heading up into the moutain range to provide plenty of trail riding expirences. The stabling is modern and all the horses are happy. You see a narrow path leading down the side of the ranch into the nearest town where you could find plenty of things to do:- Eating, shopping, buying your own house as lodging is provided on the ranch.¤

We have got some horses for sale if you like to look of one of ours. Or you can buy your one from one of the many horse sales in the near by town. If you would like any more information please email me direct or post on one of the main boards.

If you decide to stay please post on the joinning board and then go grab a room in either the main range house or in one of the log cabins over by the pineforest. Please make sure you read the rules before agreeing to stay here at Sleepy Valley Ranch.

Any problems, queries or idea's please email me on POD_3000@hotmail.com ensuring you put the games name in the subject box I get a lot of junk mail and I don't wanna delete it by acident! There are other ways to contact myself these can be find the in the "Contact Ryan section".


~^~Comments and Suggestions~^~
~^~Joinning Board~^~
~^~Buying & Selling & loaning horses~^~
~^~Arenas & Cross country course~^~
~^~Urban Retreat~^~
~^~Members Page~^~
~^~Contact Ryan~^~

Please do not take anything off this page without permission! This is all part of a sim game and is no way related to anyone/thing in real life.