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Riptide Legion was founded on the principles outlined in the Charter:
"This guild is created on the foundation of Honor. All races and classes are welcome to join the ranks and become part of something we as a guild will strive for... To be part of something greater than ourselves. Our motto is that "Those that stand before us sees us as we truly are, not nobles, not lords or ladies, but men and women that have dedicated ourselves to those in need". Our cry of brotherhood is "For Honor!" We as all members have made a vow by joining that we see the degradation of hunters in these lands and bandits (KSErs) abound and wish to make the difference. We vow that we will not commit the very act we stand against and will aid those that cannot fend for themselves. We vow to act out of kindness and not spite or revenge. We vow to fight fairly and in duel give way to hand before slaying an opponent. We vow to save those that find themselves in peril even if due to thei own lack of knowledge or ignorance. We are not a charity and we are not martyrs, we are those that have risen above the rest to show what true hunters are and hope to lead others by example. ."

  1. ~No member will ever validate KS actions.
  2. ~No member will ever validate purposeful training of another hunter
  3. ~No member will ever be asked by another member to commit these acts or any others that woulk ill represent the guild.
  4. ~No member will ever spam or harass another member, if you need a port, sow, rezz, and/or buffs then merely announce what zone you are in and what aide you need, if aid is avialable a member will give tell and meet you somewhere near them.
  5. ~If ever a member has a dispute or becomes offended by another member the offended party is to contact an available officer or E~mail the guild leader. Never post on the boards the problems or offenses, officers are here to help... Please let them!

To thwart the evil that invades the Realms:
Riptide Legion is proudly allied with ???????? ??.

Membership in our Riptide Legion affords EverQuest players on the Rodcet Nife server an opportunity to meet people, join in raids and guild activities, and get help and advice on quests. Every member of our Riptide Legion is an ambassador and is expected to follow EQ etiquette and uphold our CODE OF ETHICS by conducting themselves in an honorable manor.

Riptide Legion is, first and foremost, a great circle of friends; therefore, every member is important to our success. It is our belief that each and every member of this guild has something to contribute and is a valuable asset. All of our members are encouraged to post their character to introduce themselve to fellow Riptiders and use the message board to share their thoughts.

Riptide Legion is governed by a High Council of advisors lead by co- founders Nerff,the Lord of the Rings,and our beloved Bothers and sisters.All of the members of the High Council faithfully serve our Riptide Legion by interviewing and recruiting new members, helping Riptider with class specific issues, enforcing CODE OF ETHICS, and, if the need arises, settling disputes.

The Rainbow Circle of Riptide Legion was established to promote goodwill, aid in learning tradeskills, coordinate group activities, plan raids, and provide valuable advice for the special problems encountered by dark race characters.

Riptide Legion advisors are always happy to provide help and advice to all of our members. They will gladly aid travelers in navigation and direct members to quest information.

Riptide Legion members are not only valiant defenders of the peace, but willing to share their imagination and creative talents in Tavern Tales. We share in our triumphs and our setbacks, but do not neglect the fun stuff which includes anecdotes and screen shots of Riptiders adventures.

We are united to thwart the evil that threatens Norrath and we will prevail.



Guild Leader

Gorre TEX

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Officer ?

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The Rainbow Circle


Public Relations

Iksar Advisor

? ?
Troll Advisor

Dark Elf Advisor

? ?
Tradeskills Advisor

Our advisors are happy to help and can be reached either in game or by email. Address corespondance to: