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Server Status: Offline.


I am not putting server back up sorry. I might one day for fun but I wont post it or anything..

 Guys Server will be going up again soon! - Posted By: Ero on: Sept. 22 2004, 7:28 AM
Guys, Im putting the server back up soon!

Guys server will be up in about a day or two. Just need to get a static IP again and edit the files.

 I have to take a very short break... -Posted By: Ero on: Mar 02 2004, 04:31 PM
Sorry but I need to take a break on working with the site... Im taking tests for my
Restricted(Learner's permit). So For the rest of this week, I wont be adding to the site...I will restart probably this weekend...
=( Sorry

  Vacation? I was on one... - Posted By: Ero on: Mar 01 2004, 10:21 AM
Ok well I need to add new stuff =P.. Heh I just got back from vacation.

 Guest Book! Sign Away - Posted By: Ero on: Feb 23 2004, 08:39 PM
To all.. I added a Guest Book!! Please try to sign it if you have time..Its at the bottom of this page.. lol

 Events page is up! -Posted By: Ero on: Feb 25 2004, 08:01 PM
Ok Now I've got the Events page up! You can check it out whenever you need to find out event info =P. Ps: For those who couldn't tell with screen shots.. Im called 'Ero' but.. My character is Gohan89 =)

 More stuff added! ^_^ -Posted By: Ero on: Feb 24 2004, 08:02 PM
Yay!, I added the monsters and the E-Mail address where you can reach me at.. =P

 Well I added stuff.. - Posted By: Ero on: Feb 24 2004, 06:36 PM
I think the sites a little better now... I added screenies and XY's.. Im going to be adding the rest very soon ^_^....

 Trying to wrap things up... -Posted By: Ero on: Feb 24 2004, 04:36 PM
Well, Im trying to do everything I can to hurry up and finish this site... And If you haven't checked the Official RM site.. Theres an Auction for Duras! =)

 Finally getting started! - Posted By: Ero on: Feb 23 2004, 06:06 PM
Well, it looks like things are coming together, but its taken longer than I expected.
I am currently working on getting all the pages up and working before I put in some more detail.


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