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Rebob's Guides and Walkthroughs
||| Earthbound ||| nothing yet ||| nothing yet ||| nothing yet ||| nothing yet |||
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This web site is just a place for me too put my walkthroughs as i write them. i work on the walkthroughs everyday and i try to pdate this site daily as well. right now there isn't much content other than the earthbound guides beginings. you can reach that from the link labled earthbound.

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Updates -

Last Update 11/01/02 i fixed the problems i was having yesterday and the site is up and running again. aside from that, all i have done is change the layout so it is normal again. i will get thee guestbook up and running soon.

Update - 10/31/02

Update - -10/31/02 added an updated version of the earthbound walkthrough and changed the format and layout of the web site.

Update - 10/27/02 added the begingings of an earthbound walkthrough and started this web site.