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The Ultimate Mega Man RPG

- Main
- Members
- Joining
- Pets
- Items and Weapons
- Battling
- Missions
- Quests
- Teams
- Training Programs
- Abilities
- Finishers
- Special Attacks
- Tournament

Damien was lost during his first few years of creation as a humanoid. After many years of struggling to survive on a strange planet, he eventually made it out and met up with a humanoid by the name of Angelus. They become best friends, and eventually found out that they were made to be brothers, after talking about their creation. Neither of them know who created them, or what for. They have started their own team, and hope to one day find their creator.
Height- 6'1"
Eye Color- Silver
Hair Color- Blonde
Weight- ??
Age- ??




- Rare Items

- Other


-None Currently

