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The Ultimate Mega Man RPG

- Main
- Members
- Joining
- Pets
- Items and Weapons
- Battling
- Missions
- Quests
- Teams
- Training Programs
- Abilities
- Finishers
- Special Attacks
- Tournament


Abilities can be used with regular kicks and punches etc. as long as they do not deal damage. Only Leech and other moves that arent DIRECT combat moves are excused from this rule. You choose 1 ability after every 10 wins you get.


Infect: Are able to infect Humiods and Reploids after a win. Once infected, the person becomes a Virus and will eventually end up starting over and will have to be a virus. If infected, players have 5 days to get a cure to turn them back into their race. Cures can be found, or bought at the store.

Leech: Allows the user to absorb some Armor points from the opponent. Good for when the going gets tough. (250 armr turn).

Fly: Allows the user to fly into the air. Good to keep people away from you and for charging attacks. If the person is not flying, they get do half damage. Multiplies speed by 2. Requires 20 wins.(hlfdmg no fly x2sp)

Teleport: Allows the user to teleport around. This is the only way to dodge anything, every time. Also good for setting up combos. Can only be used twice in battle and requires a Speed of 1,250.

Float: This allows you to hover. Some places may not be big enough for you to fly in. Keep that in mind.

Swim: Allows the user to swim. Good for missions and quests. A must have for those who go on missions or quests every chance they get.

Grow Spikes- Are able to grow spikes from the knuckles of their hands. Very good when digging for lost treasure.

Disguise: The user becomes able to change his face for a short period of time. Great to sneak into bases etc.

Wrestle: Allows the virus to use their throws and suplexs in battle. Very good for crushing weaker opponents.

Combustion: This allows the user to throw any small item and cause it to explode on contact with another object. You can find items like those on the Rare Items page. Try buying some cards, or maybe finding some items whilst out questing. Requires 15 wins. Every object has different effects.


Concentrate: allows the user to shoot more accurately and deal a little more damage. Very good for those tricky bosses. 4x a battle only. (100 dmg alwyzhit)

Plasma Charge: Allows the user to freely charge their Blaster gun to deal more damage. 3x a battle only(150 trn)

Quick Shoot- allows user to quickly draw their gun and fire. Although it lowers damage a bit, you still get to fire twice instead of once, making it a great ability.3x a battle only( -50dmg 2xfire)

Flash Bang: The user shoots out a bright shot of plasma that doesnt inflict lots damage but blinds people in its blast radius. Very good for setting up combos or finishers. Twice in a battle only. (2xfire 50dmg)

Air Blower: The user uses his gun to blow up any objects off the ground. Good for finding treasure, escape holes, or secret entrances. Highly Recommended.

Fuse: This allows the user to fuse with his or her pet/ally. The two become one, and their stats are added then doubled to create the new persons stats. Requires both fighters with this and a total of atleast 1,500 in each stat.

Power Boost: Allows the user to boost back and forth quickly. Also helps to get across broken bridges, etc. Increases Speed by 250 for one turn. Can only be used twice in battle.(2max 250sp trn)

Fly: Allows the user to fly into the air. Good to keep people away from you and for charging attacks. If the person is not flying, they get do half damage. Multiplies speed by 2. Requires 20 wins.(hlfdmg no fly x2sp)

Teleport: Allows the user to teleport around. This is the only way to dodge anything, every time. Can only be used twice in battle and requires a Speed of 1,250.

Float: This allows you to hover. Some places may not be big enough for you to fly in. Keep that in mind.

Swim: Allows the user to swim. Good for missions and quests. A must have for those who go on missions or quests every chance they get.

Combustion: This allows the user to throw any small item and cause it to explode on contact with another object. You can find items like those on the Rare Items page. Try buying some cards, or maybe finding some items whilst out questing. Requires 15 wins. Every object has different effects.


Fighters Stance: The user of this gets into a fighter stance and increase his/her focus. All damage is cut in half for the next 3 turns. Takes up one turn.

Focus: The user of this move focuses his/her strength into the next attack. This can be charged up for a max of 3 turns. Every turn it gives an additional 150 damage. Each turn charged the number u increase by goes up 50. So the first time is +150, 2nd is +350 and the third is 550. (1st150, 2nd350, 3rd550)

Fence: This ability is only used in sparring and both people must have... Fence is a better way of sparring adding 75 additional points to do what ever you want with after your spar.

Fly: Allows the user to fly into the air. Good to keep people away from you and for charging attacks. If the person is not flying, they get do half damage. Multiplies speed by 2. Requires 20 wins.(hlfdmg no fly x2sp)

Teleport: Allows the user to teleport around. This is the only way to dodge anything, every time. Can only be used twice in battle and requires a Speed of 1,250.

Float: This allows you to hover. Some places may not be big enough for you to fly in. Keep that in mind.

Swim: Allows the user to swim. Good for missions and quests. A must have for those who go on missions or quests every chance they get.

Bushido: Ancient Samurai's used this technique... allows you to be a better swordsman. Increases your attack by 400. Can only be used once per battle and last entire fight. Requires 20 wins, 2 finishers, and A powerful weapon.

Whirlwind: The user of this ability can now spins his/herself around to block attacks, or to uncover things under things. Can be used as an attack but damage will be boosted by 100.

Sword Diving Air Jump: This move allows the user to jump twice. This is good to get around things or people. The move is finished by coming down with ones sword. That part is optional. (250)

Double slash: The user of this is allowed to attack using two weapons. Of course, you need the two swords to use this technique. (+150 dmg each sword)

Combustion: This allows the user to throw any small item and cause it to explode on contact with another object. You can find items like those on the Rare Items page. Try buying some cards, or maybe finding some items whilst out questing. Requires 15 wins. Every object has different effects.


- Rare Items

- Other


-None Currently

