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RP Layout

The Undertaker
TITLE OF RP: [Raw, The Euro Title and Royal Rumble ]
[ Won: 10 ] [ Lost: 2 ] [ Drawn: 0 ] [ Titles Held: Former Intercontinental Champion ] [ Wrestler's Involved/Mentioned: 

Mentioned=Impact Players and  Kane

Involed:Undertaker and Kane



***The camera pans around the arena as we are only a few days away from another massive EWF Raw where a Number of High profile match up take place such as the FTW Title match between Current FTW Champion Justin Credible and his deranged opponent Mankind. Plus the Number 1 contenders Tag Match feautring Two Members of Team Destruction taking on Lance Storm and a mystery partner and let's not forget about the massive 10 person Battle Royal where the last person standing walks into the Royal Rumble at NO 29 and the first person eliminated goes in at NO 2. The camera now focuses on Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler at Ringside who are about to give us there thoughts on what will be another great Raw for the EWF and 2002.***

JIM ROSS: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to this EWF House show which is building the hype up for the EWF Royal Rumble just Two Weeks away. But this Royal Rumble carries something that the Royal Rumble hasn't had in awhile and that is that the winner of this Rumble will walk out of it THE NEW EWF WORLD CHAMPION.

JERRY LAWLER: And JR it gets even better as we already know where two superstars will be entering into the Rumble. The Rock will be entering at NO 1 and Chris Jericho enters at NO 30. Plus the massive match up that The Undertaker has asked for and that himself and  Triple H and two other stars to take on The Impact Players and Tazz.

JIM ROSS: King that is all so but the Undertaker's action of late have really been inexcusable after he threw Michel Cole through that table and just the other day got in Kevin Nash's face and told him that he was a wimp and a pussy and that he has lost all the killer instincts that he once  had.

JERRY LAWLER: But JR the Undertaker knows that the war against the young stars is just heating up and he wants the best and most vicious people on his side and you can't blame him for that and plus that ring out there is his yard and he wants to prove it and he might just do that Friday at Raw when  he takes on Lance Storm for the European Title in what will be an epic match up.

***Then Suddenly the words ARE YOU SCARED are heard over the PA System as Kid Rock's American Bad ass rocks The PA system as out onto the stage appears The Undertaker on his Motorbike he rides down to the ring as the fans let out a chorus of boo's as 'Taker just ignores them and rides down the ramp and parks his bike and climbs off and walks towards a few fans and threatens them and then walks up the steel steps at the side of the ring and then climbs through the ropes and walks around the ring posing at all four corners as the boo's continue to grow louder and louder and louder. 'Taker finally grabs a mic from Lillian Garcia and walks around the ring and motions for his music to be cut off as he brings the mic to his mouth and begins to speak***

THE UNDERTAKER:  Would all of you disrespectful peices of shit SHUT THE HELL UP when I am in MY YARD.  You all should know this but since you are all a bunch of dimwits. I have ruled this ring for 11 damn years and not once have I ever been givin any respect from you. In a whole eleven years I destroyed careers and kicked people's asses from one side from the ring and all I got in return was NOTHING abosultely nothing and that is why I am sick and tired of all you fans. You nearly make as sick as when I see The Impact Players.

All you so called fans ever do is feed off of our blood sweat and tears you feed of everything that we work for you. We feed you your enjoyment and pleasure and what do you give us abosultely JACK not a thing but your cheers when you wanna like us and your boo's when you hate us but whatever way you decided it dosen't even bother me as I don't care for any of you at all.

***The fans boo loudly as 'Taker just smiles and shurgs his shoulders and gets ready to speak again.***

THE UNDERTAKER: I shouldn't even be wasting my breath on you worthless fans but onto the next subject...RAW!!! AT Raw I get the chance at once again wearing gold in this federation and that particular gold is European Gold and my opponent is none other than blithering Canadian idiot Lance Storm. Lance we have had our run in's in the past here in the EWF but never had we been one on one. Never have you had the chance to get your ass kicked by me one on one but that all changes come Friday Night at Raw as you see you maybe a former World and European and Hardcore Champion. But who long where those titles around your waist. One maybe two weeks but how long did I carry the Intercontinental Title and destroy every single so called superstar that challenged me. 3 MONTHS Lance, 3 long ass kicking filled months and when I lost the title did I cry. Did I go and chuck a fit and quit the federation but then return a week later. NO!! I continued to battle on. I continued to fight and fight and formed allies with 3 more of the most dangerous men in this business one as you all know is Triple H the other 2 shall be revealed over Time.

Lance let me continue on  about you. I would be lying if said that you haven't been a successful star here in the EWF. You held the World, Tag, Hardcore titles and you are the current European Champion. But that will change come Raw as Storm you will be the first of the Impact Playerz to fall victim to DEADMAN INC. and after you have fallen victim Lance you and the rest of your buddies will fall victim to me and my three other partners at the Royal Rumble and their is nothing anyone here can say or do about.

Now the European Title is one title in my illustrious career have never held. But Lance you will be the one that will have to suffer in order for me to take that title and once again have gold around my waist and I will hold the European title for a record time just like I did with the Intercontinental and there is not a damn thing that you can say or do Lance that will stop me from claiming my rightful prize and that is more EWF GOLD.

***The fans boo as the Undertaker just smiles at them as they shout the unflattering chant of 'ASSHOLE ASSHOLE ASSHOLE' towards him he just continues to smile cockily at them as the hatred the have for he grows and grows. He move the mic towards his mouth and beigns to speak once again.***

THE UNDERTAKER: Well that is true I am an Asshole and damn proud of it but you know why I am an asshole. Because of you fans as through those whole eleven years you never showed me respect. You never made me feel like what I was doing was all worth it will since I ditched you fans I've have seen that no one can stop me and that I am The best damn star in this business and not a soul alive can stop me.

***The Undertaker is about to say something as suddenly Pyros burst from the stage and out walks The Undertaker's half brother Kane. Kane walks down the ring with a mic in his hands and 'Taker is standing there ready to fight the Big Red Machine. Kane slides in the ring and raises his arms up in the air as the pyro's go off as 'Taker stands there with a pissed look on his face. Kane moves his mic towards his mouth and begins to speak.***

JIM ROSS: King I've got a feeling things are about to heat up.

JERRY LAWLER: JR I think they already have

KANE: Whoa, Big Brother I haven't came here to fight and last time we where in the ring together I got the better of you as can be seen by the stitches on your head but I have not came out here to berate you or make fun of you. You see brother I have a little proposition for you and it goes a little bit like this.

Now I know that since I have arrived we both have been at each other trying to destroy each other just like we did when we where in the WWF but where did that get us big brother. It got us nowhere and I am sick and tired of having to continue to fight my own brother fight my own flesh and blood.

THE UNDERTAKER: I thought you had a proposition for me not our life story as I sure as hell know how that goes.

KANE: Always The impatient one. Well OK since you seem to be in such a rush I will get down to it. Brother I am sorry for hitting you in the head with a chainsaw and I know that you only burnt down my locker as you where confused after being tormented by the Higher Powers but now it is time to bury the hatchet. It is time that we stood tall together Once and for all and wrecked havoc on The EWF and with Triple H by our side. We can do nothing but destroy everyone in our path and you know that is the truth.

***The Undertaker stands there looking and moves towards to his brother who has his hand out as an offer of friendship. The Undertaker as thrown his bandanna off and his trench coat and pulls his hand back to ready to hit his little brother and then shakes KANE'S hand as the whole arena goes crazy as JR is sitting there at the announce table not believing what he has just seen.***

JIM ROSS: OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. The UNDERTAKER AND KANE ON THE SAME DAMN Page. The same damn Violent page. But where does Kane stand. The Fans have been cheering and offering their support to Kane and now he goes and team with The Undertaker who the fans have developed and distinct hatred for. KING IT IS ALL SO CONFUSING.

JERRY LAWLER: Well JR if you be quiet we may just hear from the Big Red Machine about where he stands.

KANE: NOW the question must be on every single one of your lips is where do I stand with this are me and The Undertaker just talking or have I in fact joined TEAM DESTRUCTION am I the Third Partner with my brother and Triple H at the Royal Rumble. THE ANSWER IS YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JIM ROSS: NO NO NO NO NO!! WHY KANE WHY???? Why turn your back on the fans why. What will it do for you.

KANE: You are all now asking why??? Why I am turning my back on you. Well it is simple like my brother said all you do is feed off our pain our suffering and wait till we injure ourselves so that when we come back you can cheer us. Well we don't want your sympathy or your cheers as you ain't worth it.

***The Undertaker then moves the mic towards his mouth and begins to speak as the boos from the crowd are quite audible.*** 

THE UNDERTAKER: I am getting sick of standing out here and listening and talking to you brain dead fans so I am going wrap this up really quickly and Lance this is the first and last warning I will give you and if you don't adhere to hit there will be some very serious consequences. Now for most of my career I was a walking zombie and worshiped the devil but you see I may not walk around talking to the devil but I am still down with the devil and I will go Medieval or your ass and that is no word of a lie so Lance. REST IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

***The Undertaker and Kane Throw their mics out of the ring as the fans deafen the arena with their boos and chants of 'Asshole's Asshole's ' as Kane and Taker stand at the top of the ramp posing as the camera fades to a EWF RAW commercial as the scene fades to black*** 

Roleplay Layout made by Lewi of Meltdown Designs
