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Rules and Regulations

1. First and foremost: Remember, this is a game and should be treated as such. All disputes IC (in character) should be kept IC, and the same goes for OOC (out of character). Please, just try to get along and have some fun while you're here.

2. Unlike other groups, we do allow some adult content. This does not mean all-out sex / slaughter. Tone things down if you can help it, and if such things are really imperative to the story arrange a non-board meeting area (such as e-mail, AIM or ICQ). Any post containing adult content must have a warning in the subject line.

3. Always remember that each character is the property of its respective player (mundane). You may not play or kill anyone else's character without express permission. You may, however, move someone's character if you need to further a plot line or if they are blocking a path / in the way and if you just have to get through. If I see anyone taking advantage of this rule they'll be hearing from me.

4. All OOC (out of character) talk must be labeled in the subject line of the post to limit confusion.

5. Please remember that you are all playing rabbits. Rabbits do not walk on their hind legs, do not talk on telephones, and cannot count higher than four. Keep things as 'realistic' as you can (according to the WD Universe).

6. All posts should be kept in story-format. That means that you should write as if you were writing a book -- with paragraphs, quotation marks, et cetera. Do not post useing any sort of brackets to determine actions!

An example of how you should post is: Bluesnout hopped up to Laurelbear and touched noses with her briefly in greeting. "Hello Laurel," he whined, back foot raising to scritch at one elongated ear, "How're you?"

An example of how you shouldn't post is: *walks up to Laurelbear* Hi *scratches his ear* How are you?

Here's a list of common Role-Playing terms:

OOC Out of character. When you want to post something as yourself, rather than your character. This has no impact upon the RP and should only be used to plot, clerify actions, and ask questions.

IC In character. Everything you do as your character.

ATTN "Attention." To catch the attention of another player. Use in subject lines to show who the post is to (i.e., ATTN Bluesnout)

TBC "To be continued." If you haven't finished a post and wish to continue it later stick this at the end or in the subject line. No one will respond.

TBCB "To be continued by." If you want your post to be continued by a specific person other than yourself and you've discussed this beforehand.

Tag Used in the subject line or at the end of a post to signal who you'd like to continue the post, but haven't asked yet. Can also say "" to indicate that anyone can reply to the message.

Mun Short for "Mundane." The Mun is the person behind the character. In other words, the player.

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hits since May 26, 2002

e-mail Juniper-rah