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Questions and Answers

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Questions and Answers

Q What in the heck is Watership Down?
A Watership Down and Tales From Watership Down are two novels written by Richard Adams about rabbits and the trials they face in finding a new home.

Q Rabbits? Isn't that a little juvenile?
A Actually, WD contains a lot of political overtones and is taught in many colleges.

Q Where can I get a copy of Watership Down?
A They probably have a copy at your local library or bookstore, but if you want to order one offline I'd suggest or

Q So, what's this Role-Playing stuff I keep hearing about?
A Role-Playing game is basically an interactive story played through e-mail, instant messengers (such as AIM or ICQ), chatrooms and message boards. You usually make up a character and see how s/he reacts with other peoples' characters and in pre-conceived conditions.

Q That sounds pretty cool, how can I learn to Role-Play?
A My suggestion would be to take a peek at the message board (under the "play" link) and watch what others are doing. Eventually you'll get the drift.

Q So, what does Frith-Hain Warren mean, anyway?
A Loosely translated from Lapine it means "Frith's Song Warren" or "Sun's Song Warren."

Q How do I get a position in the Warren? I don't see any application or anything!
A For commanding positions approach the rah (in or out of character) and request the position. For officer positions contact to rabbit (in or out of character) in charge of that particular area (i.e., contact Exile if you want to be in the Owsla).

Q Can I play multiple characters?
A Sure, play as many as you can handle!

Q Can I play anything besides a rabbit?
A If you want to play any non-lapine character you need to contact me ( with a request. Please state what creature you'd like to play and why.

Q Okay, I've submitted a character, but when can I start posting on the message board?
A You should get a mail shortly from Juniper-rah welcoming you to the Warren. If you don't, but you see that your character profile has been put up in the members section, it's safe to say that you've been accepted. If niether of these things happen, please e-mail Juniper-rah and explain the situation.

Q Where did you get the idea to start this page?
A From the Nildro-Inlé Warren page, actually. You should go give em' a visit.

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hits since May 26, 2002

e-mail Juniper-rah