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Warren Positions

If you want to join a position you need to e-mail the person in command of that certain area (i.e., if you want to be in the Owsla e-mail Exile). They have all control over their areas. If you want to be a commander you must ask Juniper-rah.

If you have any comments or ideas for other factions, please contact Juniper-rah.

Rah Juniper-rah. e-mail

Seer Thrairnroo. e-mail

Captain of Owsla Exile e-mail
Officers of Owsla --

Captain of Owsla Attack --

Officers of Owsla Attack --

Captain of Intelligence Rosebud e-mail
Officers of Intelligence --

Captain of Communications --
Officers of Communications --

Captain of Wide Patrols --
Officers of Wide Patrols (2) --

Wide Patrol Members --

Council Members (7) --

Chief Medic --
Medics (3)

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hits since June 6, 2002

e-mail Juniper-rah