Special Events
Event Quests
Universal Tourney1

Top Members
NPC Teams
Royal House Of Vegeta
The Cold Flame
Kaze No Yume
Team Shop
Team Shop

How2 Play
Fights Page 1
Fights Page 2


Layout made by
Brian Simpson


The Last Stand

TLS is being updated FINALLY. If there's anything that u see that needs to be updated; Tell me. Let's get stuff rolling again...

The Site

I am re-opening this site/RPG, since I am re-opening this, I'd like some help, help being:
-Fight writters(Note that all fights and stuff[like quests] needs to be written in the present tence, like, Bill kicks jeff in the nuts as jeff hits the ground in pain.)
-Quest writters(This job sucks, lol, but it's fun if you like to write alot)
-Graphics assistence(Making like members pics, getting members pics, banners, team banners, blada blada bla)
-Calculators(For this I'd really really really appretiate, for this i need people to calculate team PLs and stuff, like ont he team's pages, you give me the info so i don't have to spend a lot of time finguring everything out, it'd be great if the team leaders did this, just each time something happens, gimme a team update so i can put it up. There are other oddball jobs for this too.)
-Other(Just anything i might need, varies depending on what's going on)
***Helpers will be awarded and will help keep this game alive, I can do this all by byself, but with help it makes it so it's not as much of a damp on my life, so it's a thing i can do more often***

Teams are starting to be made, and people have been training to be the strongest, if u wanna see what/who's the strongest go Here.

Since 3/29/04, Capsol Corp has created a inter-steller travel system for FREE!!! That means that you may travel to any planet for free, BUT, it takes 2 days for the ships to make it to other planets. If you'd liek to travel to another planet, just ask and I'll set everything up for you.

Most Recent Fights(8/3)

Yuzo Beat Hakha(NPC)
Yoshimitzu Beat Trey(NPC)
Xerz Beat Goku(Before I made him an NPC)


I may be getting a Job soon, I went in for my 2nd interview today. If I get a Job I shoudl be online more and the RPG will more then likely be played more because Imma wanna sit ym ass down and chill and do shit. lol Especially on days I don't work.


The Teams stand here as of today:
RHOV(6/7)-Pl:70,620; Winning Average(98) 79.03, Losing Average(26) 20.97
BOA(7/7)-Pl:42,719; Winning Average(48) 49.49, Losing Average(49) 50.51
TCF(6/7)-Pl:33,246; Winning Average(40) 51.28, Losing Average(38) 48.72
KNY(6/7)-Pl:15,784; Winning Average(13) 52.00, Losing Average(12) 48.00