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   + Crimson Swords Group
   + Free Stuff
   + Adventures
   + Dungeon Master
   + Player
   + Campaign
   + Maps

   + Events/Dates
   + Membership
   + Writers Shop
   + Message Boards
   + Webmasters

   + Midnight Syndicate
   + Dragonspell
   + Vampire Nation
   + Blind Guardian

   + E-tools
   + Grip/Griplets
   + Webrpg
   + OpenRPG
   + Character Database
   + DragonLance
   + Ravenloft
   + DM Familiar
   + DM Genie

   + Gencon
   + Fathomgate Online
   + Artist Michael Kaluta
   + Fantasaya Art Gallery
   + GameWyrd

   + RPG Gateway
   + RPG Now
   + Green Ronin

Welcome new members, were slowly reaching our goal of 25 members, if anyone knows of female game designers, I'm trying to get equality here and get a balanced team, please tell them to drop me a line. I'm serious. The females that were here had email problems so will try to recruit them again along with others. For the five week, I will have the actual contract posted under the files then it will be removed, this is so the new members can see how the contract differs from other contracts.


The Maps link is working right now. I have posted an example of what I can do with them. The Map was created using Macromedia Fireworks. The HTML links from the cities, i.e. if you click on a city it takes to the city description, those were created with another program I have called Tablesmith. I hope you like what we have so for on the site. It is growing but this is a pretty good start.

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