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Crescent Moon Wolf Pack RolePlay

The Rules

We know that there seems to be a lot of rules, but we must keep them to keep order among the pack. They are not difficult to follow, but if you have any questions or concerns, neomail anicci. Thanks!
Post rules
Out Of Character rules
In Character rules
Rules For Hunting

The Rank page is up, as a reference to you sure to check it out.
The Archives are up! Check 'em out if you're new and want to get a feel of everyone in the pack! (Warning: It's LOOONNNNGGGG)

Also, the Fan Fiction section is up, although there's not much there. Send an email to anicci with either the link to your wolf-related story, or the story itself. Rest assured, credit will be given to the writer. Stories must be wolf related, but they need not be about the pack itself. Any questions? Neomail Anicci.