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Davina's Stats


Davi have to dig up other name
Calista (mother) Zane (brother)
3' 2" and 28 pounds
blonde and curly
gray blue
She has her father's golden blonde hair, that falls a little below her shoulders, and falls in tight corkscrew curls. She is somewhat small and skinny like her mother, but doesn't look as unhealthy as her. She is fair skinned, one of the few physical traits shared with her mother. Her clothes are often a little to small, but not overly so, and they are usually not as in bad shape as her mothers. She ahs the same blue gray eyes as her dad, and oddly despite the life she obviously lives they seem full of life.
She is very hyper and friendly child, not seeming to be dragged down by anything. She seems to love people, and trust very easily, and always the type to walk up to almost anyone and just to say hi, often to the her mother's dismay. Though can be mature for her age, she is very innocent in most ways. Not yet having to face much of the harshness of the world she was born into. Knows very little on her true father, and often calls her mothers other boyfriend daddy, (since the two were dating since she was only a few months old), and he allowed it. She fears very little, and often goes out of her way to copy what the adults do, deciding she wants to be like them. She doesn't seem to get that her loud and friendly behavior might be annoying to some people. She is rather obedient though, better then most kids her age, knowing her mother needs it at time. She fears her true father, but doesn't know it is him…calls him simply "mean man"
Born to a very young mother, though who loved her had a hard time raising her (money wise) despite this she seems to have had a relatively decent life. Though not with many possessions as far as she was concerned she had two loving parents. Recently though, they were forced to leave her old home, leaving all her 'family and friends' behind. Though she misses them, she doesn't complain much. Seeming in some strange way know it had to be done.

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