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Argonne MUD

This is the official website of Argonne, a ROM 2.4 MUD ( For all those poor souls of you who haven't yet found out about MUDs, MUD stands for Multi-User Dungeon and is completely text-based. Argonne is fantasy-based, with most of our areas having been created with a semi-serious theme in mind. We encourage role-playing, but it is not required, and we have set in place an advance set of remort classes and races for once you have reached the upmost levels. Also on Argonne: auto-questing. Questmaster Kim will give you a quest for a mob or object; once you have completed your quest, she will give you quest points and a little money (quest points are used to purchase special items). We are looking forward to seeing you on Argonne; bring your friends and family. Also, feel free to sign our Guestbook and Forum, and please feel free to take our poll.
Parents: Children are welcome here (rules have been set in place to create an environment appropriate for all ages).

Learn about the Immortals
For a list of Argonne's races and classes
Basic Information about Argonne
Argonne's Areas
Soon-to-comes on Argonne
Connect to Argonne
Argonne's Guestbook
Argonne's Poll