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The Master Link
Use the links on this page to hop around on the website and get to your destination faster than going through the pages. It is basically a navigational system for your convenience. To return to the Master Link page, use the Back button on your browser.

Crystal Sea Kingom
     Royal Family
        Queen Celeste
        Prince Cedric
        Princess Shelby
        Princess Angela
        Prince Dancer
        Princess Elondra
        Prince Zachenfein
     Laws and Government
     Holidays and Festivities

Pacific Kingdom
     Crystal Palace
     Pacific Tavern
     Plainswalker Tower
     Royal Guard
     Assailer Assassins
     Holidays and Festivities

     The Maebo Kingdom
     Kingdom of Zailon
     The Atlantic Kingdom
     Shark Sovereignty
     Land of Dracos
     Andoeromir Valley

     Death Board
     Dream Tools Message Board
     Aquatica FYI
     OOC Updates
     IC Updates
     Sign Guestbook
     View Guestbook
     Yahoo! Group