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To Join...

        There are several subjects you must understand as well as several pages you must read. First, this is a paragraph role playing game. Expectations are very high concerning each role player. If you aren't one of the best and you know it, do not sweat it. Your skill will improve the more you role play. We aren't looking for the best role players, only those that are willing to paragraph role play and do it well. Though, you must understand that run-on sentences (fragments) and bad grammer is frowned upon. Spelling is not a problem, for everyone is attacked by the "typo demon". Be aware that these are not rules, but mere warnings. Your performance will greatly effect whether or not you will be accepted.
        Second, if you are really considering joining, this page will only allow you to join the following kingdoms: The Crystal Sea Kingdom and The Pacific Kingdom. All the other kingdoms have their own sites as well as join pages.
        Third, you must read the Disclaimer and Aquatica FYI. Also, make sure that you read the history according to the kingdom/group that you put your character in. To join another kingdom, use the links to your left then complete the following form. Only Medieval/Fantasy type characters are allowed. DBZ, LoTR, Hentai and other characters are forbidden! Witches, warlocks, wizards, necromancers and sorcerers can only be played as evil characters. You must be familiar with the T1, Turn-based fighting style.

* Fields require information.
*Your Nickname or Name

*Your E-mail Address

Your Age

Your Gender
Male Female

*The Kingdom/Group you want to join.

*Character's Screen Name
It cannot be longer than 31 characters, including underscores.

*Does this character screen name already exist?
Yes No

Choose the Kingdom your character is joining.
*Character's Race - Pacific Kingdom
Only the races listed can join.

*Character's Race - Crystal Sea Kingdom
Only mer races listed on the Mer-People page can join CSK.

If other, what?

Other characters must be approved.

*Character's Habitat
Water Land Both


*Audition One
Your character is in love, but the one YOUR character loves dosen't feel the same. The setting is a quiet forest in which your character discovers this. Respond to the dialogue. Choose the gender according to your characters preference. 2 to 3 paragraphs, 4 to 5 sentences each. HINT: Use the setting to your desire. It wasn't specified for nothing.

Lover "I'm sorry, but I do not love you. I wish I could return your feelings, but I cannot. Please, try to understand that I happen to love someone else. Do you think I want to hurt you? I do not, but it's either that or I live a lie, which I can't do because that would hurt you more." Paused one moment, settling a saddened gaze upon the ground. After a heavy sigh he/she added, "You'll find the perfect person for you…I know it. " Finally ended with a cliché of half-encouragement. "There's someone for everyone."

*Audition Two
Several Silent killers are stalking your character. The one at 12 o'clock (in front) gets your character's attention somehow to distract him/her. What your character dosen't know is that the other aggressor is coming up from behind to stab your character in the back. Assume that these attackers have no powers and are completely human, but well trained. Act according to how your character would respond based on race (vampire, werewolf, anthromorph, dragon, etc.). Prepare (prep) your own attack as the sword comes down to slice your character in half. Use innate or other abilities as needed according to the race and abilities of your character. Respond in 2 to 3 paragraphs, 4 to 5 sentences each.

Thank you for submitting your request. If you cannot submit the form feel free to contact Aquatica by email. If you didn't submit a character one will be assigned to you based on your role play skill. Want to audtion in chat and avoid typing it here? Add the yahoo screen name tigress_rrroaar and talk to me some time!

Join the Aquatica Kingdoms Yahoo! Group!
