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The light...
Vampire Hunters:
Vampire Hunters dedicate themselves to slay Vampires. All of them have or had a master that trained them in the art. Most of them carry special tools to aid them in their quest. The tools are usually 'blessed' by God and were handed down from the master to the apprentice. These tools are usually swords, stakes, garlic, crosses and the bible.

Now, you probably associate 'light' with 'good' but not all Vampire Hunters are good, some just do it because people pay them too. Good money. Actually it is rare to find a truely good souled Vampire hunter, most of them are bad asses.

Some Vampire Hunters get magical abilities or senses. Some Vampire Hunters, if they were born into a long line of hunters, have the ability to sense vampires and some can even match the vampires' super strength and agility.

Strengths: They have God and the daytime on their side.
Weaknesses: They are Mortal. Simply said.

To Slay a Vampire...

The darkness...
Vampires are immortal blood sucking demons that prey on humans for their supply of blood. It is blood that gives them energy and they must have a serving of it atleast once a day. Without blood they grow weak and vunerable, and lose their magical abilities.

Vampires have a number of superhuman abilities, like super strength and agility. Super senses. The power to disappear and travel through shadows. The power to polymorph into many animal forms. The power to crawl on walls and celines. The power to seduce. The strong Vampires can even resist crosses, garlic and daylight, but only with a good supply of blood, or these powers all weaken.

One other aspect of the Vampire must be examined; their telepathic capabilities. All Vampires have the ability to form a telepathic link to their victims and any vampires they have created. They also have the ability to telepathically cloud the mind of a potential victim so that they aren't able to react until it is already too late. While their telepathy isn't powerful enough to control an aware person's actions, they aren't completely open to psychic attacks themselves, and care should be taken to watch out for their psychic mind-numbing attacks.

Strengths: Immortal. (Special way to kill them)
Weaknesses: Need a fresh supply of blood, the daylight, rain, garlic, crosses, the bible, holy water.

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