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Note: There aren't many guns in this game, and if by some chance someone has one, it will definatly not be automatic.

The undead race known as the Vampire is one of the greatest of supernatural threats for mankind. Super-human levels of strength, speed, endurance, and senses, the ability to regenerate the most hideous wounds, along with a host of telepathic abilities allow the Vampire to control and dominate humans as easily as we domesticate pets. However, there are those who would see to it that these creatures are wiped clean off of the earth, and over millennia of experience, mankind's guardians against the Vampire have learned their secrets and provided us with ways to end their reign of terror. Read this document, study it's contents, and learn how to break the vampire's grip on mankind.

While the vampire has many advantages over its human prey, there are certain problems, which it cannot escape. First, the touch of sunlight is deadly to it, and will burn even the strongest Vampire to ash within seconds. Also, while dozens of bullets will do little more than tear it's flesh, a wooden stake, driven through the creature's heart, and it's head is cut off, will instantly slay it. If it can be burned with ordinary fire faster than its body will regenerate, the Vampire will be destroyed.

There are several keys to killing these beasts. First, superiority of numbers is paramount. The more foes attacking the creature, the less effectively it can defend itself. Second, while firearms are incapable of killing a Vampire, spraying them with bullets will damage them and slow them down until they can recover from their wounds. It is a well-used tactic to riddle a Vampire with gunfire, then behead them or stake them, or even expose them to sunlight if there is enough time, while they remain incapacitated by the barrage of gunfire.

Third, while a Vampire is a very deadly foe in hand-to-hand combat, they almost never employ firearms, preferring to fight either with their bare hands or with melee weapons such as swords or axes. And, although they are fast, as long as the Vampire's assailants can keep their distance, they will be out of harm's way.

Fourth, a Vampire has excellent senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. However, a smart attacker will use these to their advantage. Stun grenades, strong-smelling gasses, and extremely loud noises can often stun a Vampire long enough for an attacker to strike the critical blow. Chemical stunners such as Cap-Stun and Mace can also be effective, as can electric stunners such as Tasers and Stun-Guns. And, while a Vampire can see in the dark, they cannot see through smoke or other obscuring agents that might give attackers the cover they need.

Fifth, a Vampire is an abomination before God, meaning any God. Those worshippers who are truly faithful to their religion are able to repel the undead through the power of their convictions, and can often employ religious icons as a means of repelling the undead. Icons that possess some small shred of true divine power are able to repel a Vampire through the power of it's own divine presence.

While there are methods of killing Vampires that are very effective, there are several things that shouldn't be attempted because they aren't very effective against the undead. First, while firearms are capable of slowing down or temporarily incapacitating a Vampire, no amount of gunfire will ever kill a Vampire, since all the bullets are doing is punching small holes in the body of the creature that rapidly heal over.

Also, piercing and clubbing weapons aren't especially effective, as they rely on methods of damage which cause minimal physical destruction to the Vampire's body. Generally, the only effective hand weapons are edged weapons such as swords, axes, long slashing knives, and other cleaving, cutting, or hacking weapons. These instruments will open great rents in the body of the Vampire that are difficult to regenerate quickly.

While a Vampire is quickly destroyed by true sunlight, artificial ultra-violet lighting doesn't affect them, and relying on these devices to kill a vampire will often get the Vampire hunter killed for their troubles. Here are some other fallacies to watch out for:

Myth: Vampires cast no shadow. Truth: A Vampire's body casts no shadow, but their clothing and personal effects do. Only naked vampires are invisible in mirrors and cameras.

Myth: Vampires must be invited in. Truth: Vampires can go wherever they want, but often lull their victims and arrange to be invited into the victim's home, where they can kill their prey and not have the death tracked to their own lairs.

Myth: Vampires are repelled by garlic. Truth: Any foul or strong-smelling substance will cause them to recoil in disgust, because of their enhanced senses. However, there isn't anything special about garlic in particular.

Myth: Vampires cannot cross running water. Truth: Vampires don't need water and often don't like to be immersed in it, but there is nothing preventing them from crossing it.

One other aspect of the Vampire must be examined; their telepathic capabilities. All Vampires have the ability to form a telepathic link to their victims and any vampires they have created. They also have the ability to telepathically cloud the mind of a potential victim so that they aren't able to react until it is already too late. While their telepathy isn't powerful enough to control an aware person's actions, they aren't completely open to psychic attacks themselves, and care should be taken to watch out for their psychic mind-numbing attacks.

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