Adventures in the World of Wearth

The Gods and Powers of Wearth

Human Sorcerers in the days of the Uttermost War researched and experimented opening magical gates into other Planes. They were looking not only for allies of their own in the Uttermost War but also were trying to find ways to close the gates to the Elven Homelands to prevent anymore of the Dark Elves from entering Wearth. In many way they were successful, they contacted the Dwarvish Homeland’s and convinced several Dwarvish Nations to come to their aid.

They contacted other Powers also, and by promising reverence and worship, received aid from what became known as gods. These Powers were both benign and malign, some were out and out evil (the Demon Powers). Even after the Human Sorcerers managed to close the gate to the Elven Homeland, trapping the Elves forever on Wearth, the various Powers were still able to manifest themselves on Wearth. In addition the other races of Wearth (including those brought by the elves) were always in contact with Powers of their own.

The gods/powers are divided into four groups: Greater Powers, Lesser Powers, Demi Powers, and Demonic Powers. The basis for this broad distinction is as follows:

Greater Powers: These are distant Powers, far removed from most mortal affairs. Some of these are claimed as "Creator Powers" of the multiverse or represent vast forces (Wearth, Oceans). They typically have many spheres of concern, or are absolute masters of just one sphere.

Lesser Powers: While lacking the great creative force of the Greater Powers, they are still very powerful and hold major sway over their areas of influence. For most people these are held as patron Powers of either different races or groups of people, being as the Greater Powers are sometimes just too vast to worship.

Demi Powers: These are the least powerful and in many ways are similar to the Lesser Powers. Some may be mortals who have undergone divine ascension (Zagyg and Mayaheine being prime examples).

Demon Powers: When the Sorcerer Kings were opening gates looking for Powers to help in the Uttermost War some called forth Evil Powers to try to enlist their aid. These are generally referred to as the Demon Powers. These include Elemental, Demons, Devils, and Fiends from the Lower Planes. Many of these were worshipped as Powers during the Rule of the Sorcerer Kings. Most of the Demon Powers were banished from Wearth during the wars of the Sorcerer Kings and the early days of the World Emperor but some still hold power today. And there are always the odd cultists that are trying to bring these fell Powers back into the world.

Gods and Powers of Humanity
Gods and Powers of Non-Humans
Listing of Domain Granted Powers and Spells   (Includes custom Domains)
Image Gallery of the Gods


Page Last Updated Monday, July 08, 2002