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Title: Rumors

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

"Harry saw a commotion three rows ahead. His heart sank as he saw it was none other than Draco Malfoy."

[Dudley's school nurse writes to the Dursley's]
'He had finally done what he'd been threatening to do since the age of 3, and become wider than he was tall.'
Quotes credited to Scholastic.

Release date set to
July 8, 2000.

Book 4

What We Know (All Confirmed):
-Harry, Ron, and Hermione all have a date with the wrong people.
-It will be called Harry Potter and the Doomspell Tournament.
-It will NOT be called Harry Potter and the Doomspell Tournament.
-It will be called Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. For sure this time! Scholastic confirms it.
-There will be a death "that you will really give a damn about" says J.K.Rowling.
-It will be the darkest book so far.
-We meet a Weasley cousin.
-We meet Ron's brothers.
-In an interview, J.K.Rowling said that you'd be quite surprised who the new Quidditch captain was.
-The ending of this book will be extremely site said that J.K.Rowling had to take a break writing it because it was too scary.
-The ending may be frightening because it might end with "the death".
-The Marauder's Map returns.
-The new DADA teacher will "knock Malfoy around."
-Some people say that Ginny and Harry will couple up, but J.K. interviewed with Scholastic and was asked if Harry was going to fall in love with Ginny or Hermione. She said that he was going to fall in love, but not with either of them.
-Aunt Petunia is forced to put Dudley on a diet. Not one to give Dudley less than Harry, she puts Harry on the diet, too. Luckly, Harry gets out of it by writing to Ron and Hermione, who send him food.
-J.K. Rowling says we will meet new creatures she invented in Book IV.

-We will see other magical schools like Hogwarts, and their students.
-Harry will see the Quidditch World Cup and an important plot piece will take place after it.
-Harry is asked to join the British Quidditch Team.
-There will be a new DADA teacher who will have a magical eye. Many sites are saying that he has a last name of Gludgeon. We see two Gludgeons in the past books [ironically, mentioned by the last two DADA teachers, Lockhart and Lupin].
-There will be many deaths.
-A new, nasty female character is rumored to be named Icicle.
-We meet Ron's cousin and some say this is Icicle.
-The Dursley's face financial problems.
-Harry is not tempted by the Dark Arts.
-Harry becomes Quidditch captain.
-Draco becomes Quidditch captain.
-We learn about Ron's sensitivity about his poverty.
-We learn about Malfoy's family connections to the Dark side.
-A teacher will die.

Specific Character Rumors:
-Hermione dates Ron.
-Harry doesn't do too well with his love life.
-Hagrid will die.
-Hagrid will NOT die.
-Crabby might die.
-Goyle might die.
-One of the Weasley twins might die. Rumors that it will be George are heard.
-RON might die.
-Dumbledore might die.
-Hermione will be injured.
-Harry dates Cho Chang (see book three for clues).

Interesting Side Rumors:
-Voldemort robs a store clerk named Apu.

-The first chapters are:
1) "The Flight from Number Four"
2) "The Grangers"
3) "From Knockturn Alley to the Burrow"
4) "The Quidditch Final"

-It will be 700 pages.
-It will be 752 pages.
-It will be 634 pages long.

"...nothing external really affects the writing. I have heard and seen some of the rumors -- and very odd some of them are, too! " ~JK Rowling

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*Anything after the 'CONFIRMED' thing is part of the same rumor, but not yet confirmed.
**Submitted rumors are given credit, just put your mouse over the rumors, and the name will come up. Most of them I collect myself from message boards, so don't expect all of them to be credited.