Don't mind the watch wher, Gral there is my site gaurdian. This is my page dedicated to everything about me. My fan fiction, my poetry, all of the RPG groups I belong to, and anything else I felt like putting up here. I have listed here the games themselves, and what characters I play in those games.

Play-by-email rpg's are a big part of my life. I've been involved in them for over a year now, and I devote a goodly amount of my time to them. I am in charge of one, and help to run another. Eventually, I will be opening up my own Pern RPG. I also enjoy humerous fan fiction.

Here are the games that I belong to:

The second best part about RPing is the creation of characters. The best part is actually playing. I love creating my characters, and often use RP to hammer them out before using them in original work. To read all about them, go here.

And a I have a page for my cyberpets. I have a growing weyr of all sorts of dragons, and they love visotors. Just don't get too close...


I['ve put all of my fan fiction and my poems on one page, a sort of collection of writings. My fan fiction is hard to explain, but it encompases Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, Due South, and the Vampire Chronicles. My poetry is a bit on the dark side, and so are my stories. Just go here.

Movies that I love! Image galleries and all sorts of other things. Also I have a page for songs that I love.

Shows That are my favorites.

And the last but not least section: About me! Yes, the mind behind the characters and games and fiction. Anything you'd need to know about me, if for some odd reason you wanted to. :-)

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