purpleatheist's fanfic page

Welcome to my humble abode in cyberspace. This is the home of my fanfiction. Before you get any further, let me warn you: I write SLASH. Yes, that means ho-mo-sex-u-al-i-ty. If you're too young, too immature, or too close-minded, or just plain don't like it, try some other fanfiction. Anyway, back to the slash. The ratings vary from PG to NC-17, so keep your eyes open. Also, watch those fandoms, I've writen in many, plus I've thrown some originals in there for good measure. Some are unfinished, some never will be.

Recently Updated/Added:
-----11-19-01 - Posted *NEW* Mutant X story, Some Idea


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purpleatheist is the proud parent of:

Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black

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