Well. I guess if you clicked on the about me thingy, then you expect to actually hear about me. I don't know why you'd want to, though. I write a lot, but most of it is never finished or never posted. I read even more, both fanfiction and real fiction. I have this strange condition during which I get hooked on certain things and become rather obsessed with them. Right now, those things include Harry Potter, The West Wing, Elton John (although I'm slowly turning towards Weezer, R.E.M. and Radiohead), and fanfiction. If you visit my fiction page, you'll notice the wide variety of fandoms. I have a tendency to want to slash anything and everything I come across, and there's probably some Mummy slash coming up. We'll see. I'm a student, which means that time between my fics can be kind of long because I have lots of homework (that's what happens when you're at one of the hardest high schools in the state). So, I guess that's all you really need to know aobut me and more.