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General: Main Office, Security  Business: Advertising, Affiliates, Employees, Kisai Labs  News & Help: Bulletin Board, Help Desk, Rules  Other: Contact, Lounge
In The News

The long controversy with Tempest Deathwhip Glanton is finally over.

The Devil's Kitchen is celebrating it's Grand Opening this Friday, October 14, 2000

Ayenee Arcade is scheduled to open Tuesday, October 12

A new shipment for Kai's Weird Item Shoppe will arrive this Friday as well.

Kisai Labs has opened its doors to new patients.

Kisai Labs is also looking for volunteers for a new scientific experiment.  For those who participate there will be cash awarded.

HelpBots 13 & 14 are scheduled for completion by Thursday

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A theme club that features burning pillars, nights of sin, a full sized and fully stocked bar, a themed inn, and AFFORDABLE liquor.

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Wisdom of the Week
"When you don't know where you're going any road will take you there."
- Alice (of Mel's Diner)

We Are Hiring!

Are you sick and tired of your Current job?   Would you like a work environment that was both Safe AND Fun?  Would you like to be garunteed the benefits YOU deserve?  Join Our Team Today!

    arcade2.jpg (26840 bytes) COMING SOON!

  For Hiring Information Please Contact Kaivi at

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Your Advertisement Could Be Here!  Email for further details or go to the Advertisement Page

Got Comments?   Got Suggestions?  We want to hear from YOU!
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Need Help?

Try our Help Desk to receive information about our plans, our mission statement, the rules of the building, and further stuff for your benefit.

OOC Disclaimer
Please note that this and the following pages are a work of fiction and not to be confused with real life.  And to the best of our knowledge everything is original except for the few graphics and images used with permission by the submitter.  Do not sue us, we do not have any money.
PECA Is Currently Hiring!   If you wish to join our team please send your resume to or alert Kaivi FireThornn and get an application.  Online Applications will be available soon.  For more information about pay and benefits please talk to Kaivi FireThornn.