Final Fantasy I


Final Fantasy 2


Final Fantasy 3


Final Fantasy 4


-Welcome to Final Fantasy Treasures. We cover Final Fantasy I-IV. Even FF2-3(j) that were never released in the U.S. We have complete coverage including walkthroughs, weapon/armor/item lists, maps, bestiaries, and much more.

-News and Updates-

-FF2 Walkthrough Continued-
Posted by: TJ3 --- Time: 6/19/03, 1:41 PM EST
-Part 14, Part 15, and Part 16 have all been completed. That puts me at about 60-70% done with the walkthrough as a whole. Hopefully the walkthrough will be completed by the end of the summer.

-Status Report-
Posted by: TJ3 --- Time: 6/9/03, 10:58 PM EST
-All of the FFI and FFIV pages have been completed. All of the FFII pages are also complete with the exception of the FFII walkthrough which I am currently working on. I'm about half way done with it and it should be done before too long. None of the FFIII pages are complete, they're next on my list.

-New Pages Galore-
Posted by: TJ3 --- Time: 6/8/03, 11:18 AM EST
-I've completed a lot of new pages lately. FF2 Main, FF2 Characters, FF2 Items, FF2 Armor, and FF2 Magic have all been completed.

-New Layout, FF2 Weapons-
Posted by: TJ3 --- Time: 5/7/03, 8:29 PM EST
-I just completed the FF2 Weapons page. Also, I've redesigned the main site, it's now optimized for a 1024 X 768 resolution rather than 800 X 600. I've also added a few minor things in as well.

-FF2 Stats and Tricks-
Posted by: TJ3 --- Time: 5/1/03, 10:39 PM EST
-I just completed the FF2 Tricks and the FF2 Stats Pages are now up. I'm working on playing the FF2 game from FF Origins right now as well as updating some of these pages.

-Final Fantasy Origins-
Posted by: TJ3 --- Time: 4/24/03, 8:21 PM EST
-Final Fantasy Origins was just recently released for Playstation. It contains a remade version of Final Fantasy 1 and Final Fantasy 2. Each are nearly identical to the originals with a few exceptions. The game goes for about $30 so it's definetely worth checking out.

-The Site...-
Posted by: TJ3 --- Time: 7/22/02, 10:04 PM EST
-For anyone that comes to the site not many more updates are going to be made. ALL FF1 and FF4 sites are fully operational, the FF2j walkthrough is about half done but it's my best accomplishment I've had on the site.

-Parts 7, 8, and 9-
Posted by: TJ3 --- Time: 2/23/02, 11:18 AM EST
-Parts 7-9 of the FF2 walkthrough are now completed. Also, I now have an actual domain name rather than doing my site through a free server.

-Parts 5 + 6-
Posted by: TJ3 --- Time: 2/17/02, 9:53 AM EST
-I've successfully completed two more parts on the FF2 walkthrough. Part 5 and Part 6 are now completed. I've got the next week off of school so hopefully I can get 7-10 done by the end of the week.

-FF2(j) Walkthrough-
Posted by: TJ3 --- Time: 2/08/02, 9:46 PM EST
-I'm working on completing the FF2(j) walkthrough. The maps take an incredibely long time to make so don't it to be completed for a while. Also, I've been working on making a quiz but the results haven't been that great.

-Back to Work-
Posted by: TJ3 --- Time: 2/03/02, 9:48 PM EST
-I've been taking a break from working on the site lately. (Mainly because I didn't have internet access thanks to Comcast...) But, I'm back now and working on a couple new projects.

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