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Fight Maker Project

      I would like, sometime in the future for a 2D or 3D fighting game to be made using the characters from Everdark. I do not have neither the hard drive space nor the computing power to complete this task right now. If another would take on this task, it would be highly appreciated. Email me and tell me what kind of "workers" you will need and I will be happy to recruit some for you. You can use any fight maker as long as it's not too obscure (some people have to own the program which you are using to make it). I might have someone who will be willing to make it using Flash, but they are not committed yet. Please email me, I need all the help I can get. You must have some knowledge of making fighting games. I suggest using Mugen, Fight Maker 95, Project 2 (hasn't been released), or Street Fighter Remake [1 or 2(2 hasn't been released)].
Thanx for your help,


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