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[A-->B] Life

Is it emo? Is it hardcore? Is it post-hardcore? Should one care? My first taste of mewithoutYou came with my reception of their split 7” with Norma Jean, and I didn’t think them to be all that great. The vocals supposedly grew on you...well, they didn’t grow on me. Then my friends got the album, and well, you know the story. Grow they did. Not only that, but the exceptional caliber of the music and songwriting blew me away like no album ever has. And take into consideration, I am a metalhead and this is not a metal album. In fact, this is the BEST non-metal album that has ever graced my ears. Another excellent thing about this piece is that it looks, feels, and flows like a concept album. I never determined if it’s meant to be or not, but still, there’s really no break between songs until about the eighth track. In case you are not aware, I am a BIG fan of that flowing-song sort of thing. This album really covers all the bases of true excellence, and if you do not have it you need to buy it right away! (That goes for ME too!)

Number 4!