welcome. this page is under construction right now. it's in the works of becoming a rather nice page about us, stealing second. come back often as more and more updates will unfold magically before your eyeballs.

stealing second is a rock band composed of five musicians dedicated to creating and performing some of the most emotional and kickass music this side of the salt creek. check out our upcoming shows, new mp3's, and sign our guestbook. we are always looking to play shows. if you think you might know of a show/party/festival/picnic/tea party that we could play at, email us, or let us know in the guestbook.

come to the green lantern this saturday, june 21. we will be playing at 7:00, as will the the junior varsity, nightlife, and willow. admission is only three bucks, so come and bring your friends.

feel free to tell us something cool on our guestbook. the only way we know what we're doing is worthwhile is if we get feedback! We also enjoy constructive criticism...or any kind of criticism really, so if you think we suck, let us know.

last day is now on mp3.com, so give it a listen and let us know what you think.

::breaking news::    new pictures up! click here!

our mp3.com profile is now up and running, so download some of our music and let us know what you think in the guestbook.

the show at the rec center was a blast! go to the news page for details.

our demo "songs from the well" is finished! if you want a copy, contact the band.

there are gorillas in the duck blender.