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...That's CRazzaaayy


Mike's gonna kill someone with the stick...

My leg...

Rachel: hhmm there's Martha's leg

Amy: I wonder why trees are so tall

Nick's impression of Mrs. Freedman




My bed sheets, it's Yoda and Yoda!

Nick looks Chinese

LAY OFF MAN, I'm starving!

but why is the rum gone?

Chrissie and Trishie harassing the stop sign

Amy: hey, you guys wanna see a perverted picture?




Us: go away!

Amy: okay


Dylly humping his new car

Amy is thinking: "Why am i here?....what is the meaning of life?...Is that a bug on the wall?...Why is there a bug on the wall?"


my spoon is too big

I am a BANANA!

Why is Ben in pink?

My boyfriend...he's the one in the green....isn't he sexy?

Dylan: i look like a big fruitcake...just singing in the rain        

Amy: so today in math class...

Me: that's great Amy...

Amy: but listen, today in math...

Me: no, Amy...I don't care...

Nick looks like BRUCE LEE!!!

::snap:: let's do this..