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CJK Language Packs

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Language packs contain fonts and codepages to display CJK text.  They cannot be installed in Windows 3.1 or 3.11.  You need Windows 95 or later versions.


Internet Explorer Language Packs

If the Install On Demand option is checked at Tools | Internet Options | Advanced then you can simply select Chinese, Japanese or Korean at View | Encoding and the fonts and codepages will be downloaded and installed automatically.

If it does not work, go to Microsoft Windows Update, click Product Updates and scroll down for whichever of the following language packs you need:

You will have the following fonts and codepages installed in C:\WINDOWS\FONTS and C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM, respectively:
Traditional Chinese MingLiU CP_950.NLS
Simplified Chinese MS Song
MS Hei
Japanese MS Gothic CP_932.NLS
Korean GulimChe CP_949.NLS
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What if you do not have Internet Explorer?

You can either download the language packs from Microsoft Office Update... ...or search ftp sites for ie3lpk*.exe (it is 3L, not three-one):
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Office 97 Language Packs

The files that will install CJK fonts and codepages can be found in the VALUPACK\FAREAST directory of your Office 97 CD ROM.  View the fonts.

Traditional Chinese
MingLiU CP_950.NLS
Simplified Chinese
MS Song CP_936.NLS
MS Mincho CP_932.NLS
BatangChe CP_949.NLS
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Office 2000 Language Packs

They look the same as Office 97 fonts but are much larger.  View the fonts.
Traditional Chinese PMingLiU CP_950.NLS
Simplified Chinese Simsun CP_936.NLS
Japanese MS Mincho CP_932.NLS
Korean Batang CP_949.NLS
Arial Unicode MS is a full Unicode font, containing all the characters of  Unicode 2.1.
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Additional Fonts

You should install the Language Packs before adding new fonts.

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© 2000-2002 Gyula Zsigri [CJK]  [Home] Last updated:  April 5, 2002';yvnR='us';yfnEA(0); 1