Truth Evangelical Assitance Ministries


Accepting Jesus Christ
Questions & Answers
Message Board
Farewell Letter

Truth Evangelical Assistance Ministries

Pushups Back From Six Long Months in the Marine Corp

Farewell Letter

Truth Evangelical Assistance Ministries or TEAM is dedicated towards reaching people with the love of  Jesus Christ.  If you need prayer requests, have questions about the bible, or  just need to talk, email or Instant Message "pulpitpastor" on AIM. 

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Newest updates: December 16, 2002

New site will contain all future updates:

Recent  updates: May 27, 2002

  1. Lauretta Lin

  2. Natalie

  3. Shem Reyes

  4. "An Open Letter" -Anonymous

  5. "I see Jesus, SIR!" -Jimmy Li

  6. Chris Chan

  7. Ricky Ruiz

  8. Megan Carter

  9. Dennis Chen

  10. Timothy Huang

  11. Patty Lam

  12. Lance Stewart Ferm

  13. Hui Zheng

  14. Fabio Mir

  1. Recent Sermon: "Most Successful Suicide"

  2. "Who Do You Think Jesus Is?"

  3. "Rescued from Darkness"

  4.  "Accepting God's Word"

  5. "A Citizenship That Saves"

  6. "If You Were to Die Today"

  7.  "The Father Who Loves You"

  8. Afraid of Serving God

  9. That You May Know Him

  10. "A Short Insight Into God's Grace"

  11. "Let Him into the Boat," a sermon that may help those hesitant on the fence.

  12. "Who Took the Cross?"

  13. "Genesis 22: The Parallel" (Unedited)

  14. First sermon: God, the Comfort of Our Suffering.

  1.  Materialism
  2. Apologetics Foundation
  4. Evolving Monotheism
  5. A Biblical Study on Tongues
  6. World Faith Refute
  7. The Everlasting Home of the Damned
  8. Test of a Prophet
  9. "Prayer of Jabez": Critically Reviewed

  10. "Critique of 1st Nephi"
  11. Can a Christian be in the Military?
  12. The Just War Concept by Wai Szeto
  13. Agasha Temple of Wisdom
  14. Niscience and the Bible
  15. Looking for a Biblical Church
  16. Peter the First Pope?
  17. Reformed Faith Worship
  18. Pope & Early Creeds
  19. Web-profile: Sykowingnut Website

This site's goal is to give articles in a browser-friendly, and informative format.  If you have any questions, particularly related to the "Articles" Section, feel free to email or chat on AOL Instant Messenger to "pulpitpastor".

This site is a work in progress, articles are immediately published for readers to view and then is formatted/edited  for better browsing when time is available.

[Last edited December 15, 2002]

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