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Old news:

"Strangeworld revisited ", November 24, Source:

- Strangeworld 2001 by Paul Di´Anno to download on mp3 into the official site, 2.5 Mb [Go]


"Gone...", November 24, Source: AVS

- The forum wasn´t stable enough to do a good work, so, is gone


" Site Update", November 23, Source: AVS

- More pics on the gallery and the version 3.0 of our forum is online, guest posting is enabled


" Number of the beast DVD/VHS", November 12, Source: AVS

- Indeed, this "behind the scenes" is gonna be released in vhs too, here´s a part of the cdnow review:

"...Track by track, the album is revealed. Martin Birch, producer of the album personally leads us through the original unmixed, multi-track tapes of top songs. There are original and exclusive interviews with Bruce Dickinson, Steve Harris, Adrian Smith, Dave Murray and Clive Burr. Also, Dave Mustaine of Megadeth shares his look at Iron Maiden's influence on the entire heavy metal scene..." more info on cd now: [Go]


" We are moving", November 10, Source: AVS

- Yes, we are changing servers, i don´t want to talk about it, please bookmark us @ , thanx


" Site update", October 17, Source: AVS

- There a beta version of our picture gallery online, just click on the pictures section below


" Run to the hills !", October 12, Source: Iron / Iron Maiden Bulletin Board

- New updated release of that well known biography, some say that some chapters from the blaze era where removed, to add some brave new world, i haven´t read it... yet, more info in here


" Adrian in Ny ", October 12, Source: Iron

- He played on a charity concert, more info in here


" Eddie´s Action Figure", October 12, Source: Iron Maiden Bulletin Board

- Some people liked it, some others don´t, i didn´t like it, here´s the link with pics and stuff


September 11:

- On my opinion as a WEBMASTER only i want to give a full support on spirit to the United States, and the world for the casualties of this sad ocassion, we are blood brothers, don´t forget it, be strong!

September 8:

- We added our own top maiden sites lists, if you wanna join click the image below (fixed link)

(remember: you can use any image that you want to the list page)

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Still BORED???!!!


Just hidden letters

(must ki... fred... durst)

hahaha kiddin´ ;)