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Here lies the forever entombed website of the garage band 37th Parallel that once was. On September 7th, 2002, at 10:46pm, the band was officially disbanded, as the means, motivation - and partially members - were all but gone to continue the band. The talented musicians, as we credit ourselves as true musicians, not just another group of rockers with instruments, may perhaps reform with other musicians, other groups...but the original spirit, closeness, craziness, and musical feeling captured under the name 37th Parallel can never be recreated. So, this website shall remain as it was, frozen in time, only with the guestbook (and the senseless survey) open for further comments. Thank you to our fans, the ones that supported not just the band, but the grunge and the true rock spirit that was and still is so alive in The Garage. 37th Parallel...forever in the scene of true Rock Music.

[Flag Campaign icon]
Support freedom

We here at 37th Parallel, like all of America, are shocked, horrified, and deeply saddened by the events of September 11, 2001. Our prayers and sympathy go out to all the innocent victims, and we hope that this senseless violence can be stopped. God bless America.

Chris, Dan, and all the members of the band join the Gambale and Calderone families in their prayers. We miss you, Giovanna.

"We've got guitars and bass and drums and keyboard and singing. I don't want to label our band... that's the job of the corporate machine and MTV (what's the M stand for?) and the shallow people who run them with the express purpose of making money! We are NOT one kind of music! Don't LABEL US!!! AAAHHHH!!!!!!!!" -- The Dan

"Sorry" -- The Dan

We at 37th Parallel would like to know:
Where would you like to be right now instead of answering this ridiculous poll question? (you can pick multiple answers)
Somewhere else on the internet besides this poll
At the sausage shop
In a yellow submarine
Hanging off a ledge on the 82nd floor of a large building
In the backseat of a car
Standing on a coffee table eating York Peppermint Patties
Swimming in jello
Eating an HP Deskjet 420 Printer
In the land of the Underwear Gnomes
In the woodsen with the moosen and the boxen
Moshing and crowdsurfing at the concert of your choice
Riding a hippopottomussant
Falling out of the object of your choice
Playing/singing with a band on stage
Somewhere else in your house
Sitting in a gigantic warehouse full of popcorn
In a sprinkler
In a sprinkler, naked
In a gravitron
In a car about to fall off of a metal spike
Victoria Secret
In a hot pink submarine
In a hedge
At the NFB
Having an acronym
Being suspended (ouch)
At the whipped cream factory
In a giant ocean of Capri Sun

Current results

"37th Parallel: The Website" was made by:
Chris --
The Dan --