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                                          Welcome @ There's Only One Andy Roddick!!
                                          This is an Andy Roddick appreciation website.
                                          The initiative of this website started on a Dutch
                                          community with the same name: There's Only One
                                          Andy Roddick. Because we wanted to get interna-
                                          tional we started this English homepage. This way
                                          we hope to reach more Andy Roddick fans and spread
                                          the word about this talented youngster. You should
                                          know we are in no way an official website and we don't
                                          have direct connections with Andy himself or his
                                          management, so some information around here could
                                          be based on rumours.

                                          We hope you will all enjoy this place. It's created
                                          for you and for us and every other Andy Roddick fan.

                                          Hopefully we will see all of you back over here on a
                                          regular base.

                                          Best wishes,
                                          Koen & Maud.