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Pace Honors Program
Dean's List Second Honors, Fall 1999 & Spring 2000
Selected to participate in the National Young Leadership Conference February 1996

Languages: HTML, Java, SML
Software: Adobe Photoshop, Apache Server, Dynabase, Homesite, Interbase, JDK, Kawa, MatLab, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, and Access), Paint Shop Pro, Personal Web Server, Secure Shell, Visual Source Safe
Operating Systems: Windows 95/98, Unix
Other: Applets, ASP, JavaScript, JSP, Servlets

Visiting Nurse Services of New York: SI, NY
Technology Coordinator: February 12, 2003 - present
Troubleshoot user issues with the Fujitsu 2300 Tablet and VSNY application -- login and communication failures, etc.
Maintain inventory of computer equipment, digital cameras, beepers, etc.
Train new nurses how to use the Fujitsu Tablets and VNSNY Clinical Software
Proficient in utilizing Mainframe database (DOS)

Freelancing: New York, NY
January 2002 - present
Assist small businesses with starting a website
Design layouts for clients
Build HTML and ASP pages

Wall Street Webcasting: New York, NY
Client Manager: August 2002 - January 2003
Frequent travel to investor conferences for setup and monitoring of webcasting equipment and 'live' audio streaming
Researched possible webcasting markets - Analyst/Investor Days
Communicated with Investor Relations Executives prior to/during/after their scheduled events New York, NY
Intern: May 2000 - March 2002
Produced HTML pages and newsletters for the site as well as its affiliated clients
Created ASP forms to gather user information
Edited XML tags to optimize search engine results
Advised clients in designing web pages

Pace University: New York, NY
Orientation Leader: Summer 2001
Mentored new students on issues with college life and Pace
Developed programs to familiarize students with the university and its services - Resident Check-in, Welcome Back Extravaganza, and etc.

American Management Association International: New York, NY
Intern Periodicals Department: Fall 1999
Researched the largest management events of 1999 for Management Review's February 2000 issue using Internet search engines and hard copies of major periodicals
Proofread and edited articles to be published
Wrote "Part-timers Reap More Benefits" sidebar published in the February 2000 issue

Office Team: New York, NY
Office Temp: Summer 1999
Wrote biometric articles focusing on college security issues to inform current and new clients
Performed general administrative duties

Pace University, America Reads: New York, NY
Tutor: Spring 1999
Integrated new teaching techniques for 22 elementary school students
Instructed proper reading and mathematical methods
Motivated students to achieve higher learning possibilities

Spanish (Conversational with study abroad experience)

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Email Joyce last updated February 6, 2003