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Assembly Language

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Windows 32 bits Assembly: Sources and resources

Iczelion's Win32 Assembly HomePage The best site to learn Windows 32 bits assembly. Tutorials, source code, tools and links.

Windows 95 Assembly Language Programming Tutorials written by Henry S. Takeuchi. TASM-oriented.

Hutch's home page Great page with resouces for MASM. You have to visit it.

Win32NASM Tom Cat page Sources, resources and info about NASM Win32 programming. If you want to use a non comercial assembler to create W32 applications, you got to visit this site.

Win32 + Assembler Source Page Site If you are interested in 32-bit programming for Windows 95, 98 or NT using assembler, you will find everything you need here including tools, information and links. NASM oriented. Maintained by Jeremy Gordon (

Deinmeister - Win32 Assembler Coding Tutorial Site with a Win32 assembly tutorial. Excelent for newbyes. Useful information about Direct Sound Programming.

COM in ASM Code Page devoted to asm language of Ernie's World, a grateful site where you will find info about Component Object Model (COM) programming in assembly language.

Hello, Coder! Here you will find binaries, sources and informations for coders. Páge mantained by EliCZ.


Assembly for Linux

Linux Assembly: tutorials, documents, programs and more, all about linux programming in assembly language


Operative systems

Write your own operative system: Operative system programming FAQ.

The Operative System Resource Center Valuable info about Operative System Programming

radiOS: OS written in NASM. By Yuri Zaporogets.

tkos OS written in TASM. By Thomas Kjoernes

SIGOPS The Special Interest Group for Operating Systems. Learn about computer operating systems and their development through dicussion and projects

MINIX v2.0: A UNIX clon. If you yet have the Andrew S. Tenenbaum book: Operating Systems, here you can download the binaries, the source code and more of the Linux parent. Try it.



Paul Hsieh's x86 Assembly page I believe that is suficient to say that almost all the links about optimizations of this section I've extracted it from this site. You will find precious info about optimization and low level programming.

Optimizing assembly code Pointer to optimized code for pentiun processors section of the Agner Fog web page.

Quantasm, Assembly Language Tools Info about optimized assembly language, object code and tools to make easier optimizations.

Intel Optimizations Manual Pointer to optimized code section of Intel company.


Opcodes and low level programming

Instructions and opcodes used by Intel, AMD, Cyrix and Nexgen Fine reference about Intel x86 opcode.

Ralf Brown's Files Here you will find detailed info about the hardware interrupts in Intel x86 plataforms.

Intel Assembler CodeTable 80x86 Nice table in .PDF format with the 80x86 code instructions.

x86 CPU identification If you need write code to identify if your program is running in a x86 intel plataform and what processor are you using.


Journals, magazines and ezines

Assembly Programming Journal A fabulous review about assembly programming focused on Intel x86 instruction set. Contains articles on the areas of assembly like: code optimization, demo/graphics programming, virus coding, unix and other-OS asm coding, and OS-internals. Conducted by _mammon.

Programming Tips and Tricks old but wonderful and free digital magazine for low-level programming mostly using assembly language, but also in Pascal and 'C'. Edited by Tenie Remmel .



History of computers Do you know where the computers come from?

File Formats A great site with useful information about diverse file formats.

Arturo's Compression Vault Do you want to learn about compression of files? Then you have to visit this page maintained by Arturo San Emeterio Campos. Lots of articles about compression.

Black Crawling System Archives of l0pht Industries Archives section with tools and articles. Uff, here you will find anything, from magic until tools to make electronic circuits.

Internet Requested for Comments (RFC): Here are the RFCs, needful to create Inet programs.

n u M I T_o r's  programming page:

Assembly language

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