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By Jennifer Edlund __________________________________________________________________

Sometimes at night when I am laying in bed...
Thoughts of you go through my head.
I look out the window and upon the city...
The lights and the scenery are all too pretty.
I close my eyes and my mind starts to wonder...
I am hearing the rain and the pounding thunder.
You’re somewhere out there in this great big world.
I wonder if your eyes are as blue as the sky...
And do they sparkle when you cry?
What's your favorite color? What's your favorite book?
What's your favorite band?
These are things I think of that you wouldn't even begin to understand.
It's hard to imagine you’re really out there right now...
And if your thinking about your fate somehow.
Someday we will meet...
Possibly bump into each other on the street.
Don't ask me how I will know you’re the one...
Right now my chances are zero to none.
Fate just happens. It's a special bond between two like no other...
That you could never find with another.
I want to find you more then you'll ever know.
Calm down I say, the wait will be worth it.
But no I just want a little hint.
Fussing won't do...
but still all I want is a little clue.
Good things come to those who wait.
So I lie back down on my pillow and frown.
Your out there somewhere in this great big world...
and the day we meet will truly be my miracle.


__________________________________________________________________ (Great buys for used books)
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