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Från en chatt under B&B´s 3000 avsnitts jubileum fest

SoapCity: hey, Rick and Amber (Adrienne Franz and Jacob Young) are coming in a sec. Adreinne is in a very interesting coat.

Adrienne: Hi fans!Welcome to the chat. Adrienne Franz here

Jacob: And Jacob Young, welcome

janet_moeslein asks: adrienne frantz-do you see any similarities between your character and the character of brooke?

Adrienne: Actually yes, there are a lot of similarities because Brooke used to be like Amber is now. She used to be very from the wrong side of the tracks

Jacob: Of course

Jonas_J asks: Jacob, whose baby do you hope it is?

Jacob: Wow, I think Rick hopes its his but as Jake, I don't know if I want him to be tied down at the age of 17 It's not morrally right

Adrienne: Oh, morals...

Jacob: Let's throw them out the window

SUNFLOWER3_29527 asks: Amber how long have you been acting and what else have you played in

Adrienne: I've been acting since I was a little girl. I was kind of hyperactive and my parents put me in classes instead of Ritalin. Whene I was 16 I moved to New York, started acting, got Sunset Beach when I was 18, then B&B I did the movies Speedway Junkie and Jimmy Zip this summer

avonmommy asks: Jacob: How old are you, and when did you start acting?

Jacob: I'm 19, I started out at 17

daisy_mazy asks: Is Amber going to lose her baby and then become friends with Kimberly?

Adrienne: I don't know if Amber's going to lose the baby. Hopefully not.

Jacob: Keep watching!

Adrienne: Is she going to be friends with Kimberly? Maybe. Possibly. Doubt it.

bajasing asks: Adrienne, are you hoping to go back to the singing you were doing in the show?

Adrienne: I'm doing singing in my personal life still, looking at some different labels. I'm doing the business aspect of it, but I'll be playing around soon

YRBBFan asks: Jacob, do you think that Rick is doing the right thing by deciding to marry Amber?

Jacobst1: In his mind he believes he's doing the right thing...he's doing the honorable thing which isn't necessarily the right thing It's what's true in your heart

MzBeeHavN asks: Any new CDs coming out Adrienne?

Adrienne: I'm working on it right now, talking to the record labels

Patticake98_ga asks: Adrienne you wear some very strange clothes. Is that your idea?

Adrienne: Yes, it's my idea and I don't think they're strange... actually some of the stuff is wacked out. I don't like the fishnets, personally. That's the only thing that really bugs me. I like funky crazy things, but fishnets bug me

shefischer asks: Jacob, Would you rather your character end up with Amber or Kimberly?

Jacob: I don't have a preference at all who I want my character to be with I guess whatever happens inthe storyline but we all know that in daytime they can go from woman to woman

Adrienne: Anything can happen on daytime!

spelridge asks: hey jacob how do you feel portraying a young soon to be father?

Jacob: I feel honeored to portray a father or a father to be, hopefully young kids watching can learn a valuable lesson from our storyline

Adrienne: Bye fans! thank you for chatting! love you

Jacob: Peace out from CBS in California

Adrienne: Peace! 3000th episode! Woo!

SoapCity: Thanks, you two!


ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) tells SOD how she keeps a family tradition going by cooking and baking. She has recipes handed down from her grandparents and great-grandparents which she loves to use when she plans dinner parties. Adrienne is especially fond of the recipe she has for baked apples, which have always been a comfort food for her since her mother always made them when she was sick.

ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) tells Soaps In Depth that she thinks she has grown up since she joined the B&B cast in 1997. She no longer thrives on the Hollywood glitz and glamour she used to enjoy, finding the Tinseltown attitude to be stuffy, passe and even boring. She also points to a 1997 interview where she said she didn't think kids were in her future, something that has changed playing a mother on B&B. On the subject of her story, she doesn't think Amber will fall in love with Deacon, although there will be sparks between them in the fight for little Eric. She also feels confident that Amber has a future with Rick now as she has changed from the little girl from Furnace Creek she was in '97: being a mother has changed her life.

ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) takes Soaps In Depth on a tour of her new dream house. The three story Spanish style home perches over a Los Angeles overlook and has separate entrances for both Frantz and her mother Vicki (who lives on the ground level of the house, built in 1925). Adrienne loves the arrangement, as her mother is close by but each of them is able to maintain her privacy. Adrienne plans to build a recording studio in a crafts room in the house, and she may add a spiral staircase from her area to her mom's... and in the meantime, she is enjoying decorating the place, including adding a glass chandelier she bought while B&B was in Venice.

As for first time nominee ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber), she tells SPW that she thinks the 9 nominations for B&B this year, including 2 acting nods and a writing nod, indicate that people are watching the show and paying attention now. "There have been so many strong performances and great writing on B&B this year, and I think people are watching it more and paying attention," she told the magazine.

With Amber and Stephanie again interacting as part of the saga of Becky's cancer, no one could be happier than SUSAN FLANNERY (Stephanie) and ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber). Adrienne tells Soap Opera Weekly that she and Susan work so well together because she is always learning new things from the B&B veteran. Also, they talk a lot off the set about not only the show, but there personal lives, and she feels really excited when Susan pays her a compliment or is proud of something she has done. At the same time, Susan admires the dedication and concentration that Adrienne brings to her work and predicts that the young actress will go far in the business.

ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) tells SOD how she's normally not a shrinking violet when it comes to interviews, but a recent appearance on an L.A. talk show made her cringe. Because she was stuck in traffic, the actress arrived 10 minutes late for a show that aired live. She was so flustered that, during the course of the interview, she kept using the word "basically" about a dozen times, which she knew made her look bad.

Most people are excited to have family visit from out of town, and ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) is no exception. When her grandfather, Hal Curtis and her great aunt Barbara (Hal's sister) came to town, Adrienne found a great way to spend time with them: she got them a gig on B&B! As fans of the show, Hal and Barbara had fun as extras, playing an old, married couple on the show. They also got another taste of the celebrity life when Adrienne took them as her dates to an awards show, and she thinks they really enjoyed themselves.

As for ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber), Soap Opera Weekly also picked her as the favorite to win in the Outstanding Younger Actress category, although the magazine's panel of experts feels there is a small chance that Y&R's Heather Tom could pull an upset, taking home her third award in this category. For her reel, Adrienne chose the episode where Amber gave birth to her stillborn son and the episode where she buried the stillborn child in the desert.

Following in the footsteps of the popular Jacob Young was no easy task for JUSTIN TORKILDSEN (Rick)... and one would imagine that his leading lady would need some adjusting to a new on-screen partner as part of that transition. However, ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) tells Soaps In Depth that the change turned out to be a good thing for her. She says that Justin is a total professional who brings a lot to their scenes together, and she feels that she has grown as an actress by learning how to interact with a new person in the familiar role of her on-screen husband.

A supermarket tabloid recently reported that B&B stars ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) and SARAH BUXTON (Morgan), who have been friends since both were on SUNSET BEACH when that show premiered, were at odds... but there is no truth to the reports, Adrienne tells Soap Opera Digest. It was Sarah who told Adrienne about the piece in the first place, and the two had a laugh at the claims, which made no sense. Adrienne answered several points in the story: that she and Sarah fight over dressing rooms (Adrienne has had the same room since she joined the show in 1997), that they clash over wardrobes (Amber and Morgan have totally different styles) and that they are at odds about their stories (both are in front-burner stories right now). Neither actress has any idea where the story came from, although they and other guests got to laugh about it when Sarah was one of Adrienne's guests for Easter dinner.

ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) was escorted to the Emmy ceremony by boyfriend John Rzeznik, the lead singer for the band GOO GOO DOLLS. John was in town for an appearance in NY, so he was able to come to the Emmys with Adrienne. Adrienne, who once lived in Manhattan, brought her mother along to New York. Adrienne was looking forwarded to visiting one of her favorite hangouts from her New York days, Manny's Car Wash... but she was disappointed to learn that it had now closed.

What do Susan Flannery's (Stephanie) co-stars have to say about her? In the wake of Susan's Emmy win, Soaps In Depth asked some, and here's what they said:

KATHERINE KELLY LANG (Brooke): "I've always loved working with her and I love it when she directs, too. She's always in the moment and always prepared. She's just an all around great lady."

JOHN McCOOK (Eric): "Susan doesn't do a lot of public appearances, but when she does, she's wonderful. She's very succinct and sophisticated, She doesn't babble or gush. She's really lovely in front of people. I just love her."

DARLENE CONLEY (Sally): I just love the way Susan plays Stephanie because she's so stern and straight. I love to work with good actors and she's one of the best."

WINSOR HARMON (Thorne): "She's a tough, badass woman, and I like that. She's as good as it freaking gets."

ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber): "Talk about [an Emmy] being well deserved and long overdue! When Susan called me the morning the nominations were announced, I just started crying and got so emotional with her. She's my mentor."

ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) facts from Soap Opera Weekly's article A STAR IS BORN:

•She has been performing since she was a child, including singing the National Anthem at a Detroit Pistons game when she was 13, and she trained in opera since she was 6.

•The 22 year old actress knew she wanted to perform since she was a child, and although her first ongoing acting role as Tiffany on SUNSET BEACH ended with her being replaced after 5 months, she bounced back with the role of Amber, who she has played since 1997.

•Executive Producer/Head Writer Brad Bell didn't know she could sing when he hired her, but she convinced him to let her sing on the show.

•When filming Becky's death scenes, she thought about her own grandmother's death to bring out the emotions Amber was feeling.

•Even though her close friend Marissa Tait (Becky) is off the show, she still hangs out with her, and she is close friends with Susan Flannery, Justin Torkildsen and Sarah Buxton (Stephanie, Rick and Morgan), the latter who she met on SUNSET.

•She's been dating Johnny Rezsnik, lead singer for the Goo Goo Dolls, who she calls a great guy.

•Having lost the Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Younger actress to Y&R's Camryn Grimes, who is only 8, she wonders, with no malice towards Grimes, if the Academy should have a separate category for under 13 actors.

•In the meantime, rather than looking back on her loss, Adrienne keeps looking forward to a future on B&B instead.

Soap Opera Digest online recently asked ADRIENNE FRANTZ some questions from readers, and here are some highlights. Check out the full transcript at

•She doesn't really stay in touch with many people from before she was an actress because most of them did not believe she would ever achieve that goal.

•She prefers to keep her relationship with Goo Goo Dolls lead singer Johnny Rzeznik private since they are both so much in the public eye in their careers.

•She's is totally amazed at co-star Susan Flannery (Stephanie), who gives 110% in every scene, so it did not surprise her when Susan won her Emmy this year.

•She thinks Amber will wind up with Rick, since that is what most of the fans seem to want.

•She's become close to the twins who play Little Eric since she has been working with them for over a year, and she sees working with them as practice for when she has kids of her own.

ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) was accosted by a woman during B&B's recent fan event, held at L.A.'s Beverly Hilton on August 26th. Frantz was with other B&B cast members in a designated press room for a photo session when she was approached by a woman who grabbed her and yelled "Stay away from Johnny," apparently a reference to Frantz's boyfriend, John Rzeznik, the lead singer for the Goo Goo Dolls. Since there were so many fans greeting the actors, the woman was not noticed until she attacked Adrienne and refused to let go. The woman was escorted to another room, where she was detained while Frantz, visibly shaken by the encounter, broke down in tears and left the event. Although Adrienne herself has not commented, her publicist reports they want to downplay the whole thing. The Beverly Hills Police confirms that, in response to a report of an assault, officers were sent but no arrest was made. Although the attacker was not named, one source claimed that the woman was admitted to a local hospital for a 72-hour observation.

ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) likes watching synchronized swimming, because she thinks it's funny and it gives her the chance to laugh.

ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) tells Soaps In Depth that she is amazed at how quickly Bret and Jon Wirta, the twins who play little Eric, have grown. Frantz has worked so closely with the tots since 1999 that they know her well, although she admits that was not always the case. She recalls one time that she had to keep her composure while changing one of the twins' diaper for a scene since the baby peed on her arm! The crew died with laughter as Adrienne calmly announced what had happened--and although she took it in stride, it's something she could live without again.

ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) remembers her worst halloween costume: a pumpkin. Adrienne made the costume out of a big leaf bag with pumpkin faces on it. She cut arm and leg holes in it, tied it around her neck and stuffed it with newspaper. However, Adrienne's stuffing fell out as she made her rounds trick or treating and she was only wearing shorts, so it got cold in the Michigan night.

ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) tells Soaps In Depth how she was reminded what Christmas is all about. She and her family learned it's not all about presents when she was 12, coming back from church with mom Vicki on Christmas Eve. When Vicki asked Adrienne to put on some music, they found they had been robbed! Even though they didn't have any gifts that year, Vicki and Adrienne learned to be grateful for each other.

SOD asks soap stars what their perfect Valentine Day's would be, and ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) says that her special guy would blindfold her and take her on a long drive to a beautiful mountaintop meadow where they would share a romantic picnic meal.

In the new SOD, soap stars are asked which co-star has taught them the most, and ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) says that the answer is SUSAN FLANNERY (Stephanie). She feels that Flannery is an amazing actress who has taught her a lot with her ability to play scenes at many levels without going overboard.

If you ever watch Amber on screen, you've seen her in an assortment of different looking outfits... and off camera, her portrayer, ADRIENNE FRANTZ, is a lot like Amber in that regard. Adrienne recently was amazed at how much clothing she had accumulated when she was packing to move into the new house she bought last year. In addition to brand names like Bebe, DKNY and XOXO, she tells SID, she can also get comfortable in a pair of grungy Levis jeans and a t-shirt. She likes to shop on Los Angeles' trendy Melrose Avenue, and she has even tried on-line shopping... however, she found herself facing connection problems when she ordered from the Internet, so she decided to try calling the company's toll free # instead.

Over the last year or so, fans of B&B had noticed that the character of Kimberly was always crying; even B&B co-creator Bill Bell took notice of this and asked his son (B&B's Executive Producer/Head Writer Brad Bell) about it. Now, SID points out, it looks like the baton has been passed to Amber; ever since the truth about little Eric came out, it seems like Amber can do nothing BUT cry. ADRIENNE FRANTZ, who plays Amber, tells SID that all the crying scenes have literally left her drained dry, to the point where she wonders if she has any tears left. And in order to keep her eyes from getting puffy, Adrienne uses a combination of cucumber pads, gel masks and eye cream when she's off the set.

ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) and MARISSA TAIT (Becky) are living proof that on-screen enemies can be best friends off the set; the two screen cousins have become best friends in real life since Marissa joined B&B. They even traveled to the Bahamas together for E! Entertainment Television's new game show, SEARCH PARTY, they tell SOU and Soaps In Depth. It was kind of the trip from hell, Frantz points out, as she was injured on a water slide at the Atlantis hotel, she had a stack of tapes fall on her during the flight down, and there were reports of a major hurricane on their way back. In addition, the pair was recognized by many people who watch B&B down there and they were often hounded by photographers. Still, they both think the trip had its moments of fun, including moments of quiet reflection on the beach.

Also getting into the holiday spirit, they tell SID, are ADRIENNE FRANTZ (Amber) and MARISSA TAIT (Becky). The on-screen cousins/off-screen friends have slightly different takes on the holiday--Marissa loves shopping for gifts that fit the people she's buying for, while Adrienne isn't as much into present buying, although she does put up stockings in her home for her cats--still enjoy hitting the stores together. One thing that Adrienne did this year to try and bring a little more fun to presents was to start a Secret Santa exchange among her castmates; this way, everyone who participates gets one gift and doesn't have to worry about buying for so many people.