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Q &A with Adrienne Frantz

(Amber Moore, The Bold and the Beautiful)

Critics who maintain that daytime drama is a dying art form need only look at the recent tour de force given by The Bold and the Beautiful's Adrienne Frantz (Amber), who mourned the death of her stillborn child, to know that the medium is alive and well. Now Amber, at her mother's urging, has taken her cousin's newborn and is passing him as the Forrester heir.

When she's not playing Amber, Frantz (who portrayed Tiffany on Sunset Beach prior to joining B&B) makes movies, sings and grants interview requests. The busy actress recently took time out of her schedule to chat with us and share her thoughts on Amber's integrity, TV mom Andrea Evans (Tawny) and keeping a positive outlook in show business.— Michael J. Maloney

You've had some incredibly heavy material lately with the labor and death of Eric III. How much preparation goes into those major scenes?

A lot. It was so devastating. When I work, I use an acting technique called "substitution." I take something that happened in my life and I place it into the scene. I won't say what I used in the scenes involving the baby. I actually never like to share what I use, but I will say that I just sat alone for quite a while on the morning that the scenes were taped. I didn't really talk to anyone. I just sat alone. I had prepared all week up to that point. I felt myself getting closer to being ready and I knew it would happen. I went with it and trusted myself to be completely uninhibited. I used the substitution and I just broke.

It was a true tour-de-force performance, as they say.

Thank you. I really think that Amber giving birth and, later, at the funeral was among the best work that I've ever done in my life. When I did one scene, I said, "No, no, it's not right yet." So they let me try it again. I sat there on the set for five minutes and everyone was great. They were really quiet. There was such grief and utter sadness in Amber. I felt all these crazy emotions. I couldn't stop crying for about ten minutes after the last scene. I just went to my dressing room and sat alone. I had to calm down. When I did those scenes, I was on such a different level. I found what I could do thanks to [head writer and executive producer] Bradley Bell and his amazing writing. He gave me great stuff to work with.

We were all so busy wondering whether Raymond or Rick would be the baby's father, I don't think anyone anticipated the baby dying.

It was so sad because Amber was right the whole time. She knew it was Rick's child. When I read the script, I could not stop crying. I got it about a week in advance and it made me a wreck. I thought, how can I do this? I knew it would be hard enough to play labor.

I'm going to play head writer here for a minute. Remember right after the labor was completed, and the midwife left the room with the baby for a minute and then came back in? If the show ever wanted to rewrite things and say that she switched Eric III with another baby while she was out of the room, there would be a perfect flashback to support that.

Yes. But I think it was more a case of the midwife knowing that something was wrong with the baby and I think that she left because she wanted to see if she could revive him without Amber and Tawny going hysterical. She probably thought it would be easier to work on him if she wasn't around a lot of people. I think that's why she left the room.

You're probably right, but if in five years or whenever, the writers wanted to change things, they certainly could.

[Smiles] You never know.

Andrea [Evans, who plays Tawny] looks and acts like she really could be your mother.

I know. I love Andrea. I think she's amazing. It's funny that the producers cast a mother for me who could totally be my mom in terms of her mannerisms and voice. She actually looks more like my mother than my own mother does. Katherine [Kelly Lang, who plays Brooke], Andrea and I were all doing a scene and we all kind of have high squeaky voices and at one point I was thinking, "Boy, we're probably gonna shatter some windows."

Leading up to the delivery, we got to learn a lot about Amber and her upbringing and why she is the way she is. It's made her very sympathetic to the audience, which is good given Amber's current baby-swap situation.

We learned why Amber never trusted men and what happened in her childhood with her mother bringing all these different men home. I was so happy that the writers delved into Amber's past, so that people could understand where she was coming from. Previously, I was just playing what I thought had gone on in her life.

My mom's a psychiatrist and I've learned that the way people act stems from their past and what happened to them in childhood. I grew up learning all that stuff, and I've taken psychology classes.

It can all be pretty fascinating.

Oh, yeah.

How do you justify Amber passing off another baby as Rick's?

Amber truly wanted nothing to do with that. She lost her baby. She didn't want to take her cousin's. I think that Amber was mentally gone. She's still in another place. She's so grief-stricken she can barely breathe. Tawny really shoved the baby in her face. Amber said that she didn't want to even think about doing it. Her mom is really the one who forced her to do this. Tawny pointed out to Amber how awful her life would be if she didn't go along with it. During the drive back to the Forresters, Amber still didn't want to do it. But once everyone saw the baby, there was no turning back. It's not like Amber ever said, "Oh, great! Now I've got another baby!" Initially, Amber didn't even want to look at her cousin's baby or even hold him.

You did a movie executive produced by Gus Van Sant, (who directed My Own Private Idaho). Has that been released?

No. Not yet. It's called Speedway Junky. We had a premiere screening recently at the Los Angeles Film Festival. It should be released soon. We're hoping to have a wide release.

You did that on your holiday hiatus from B&B. Do you ever take a vacation?

[Laughs] I try. I'm actually going to be doing another film called Luna Butterfly's. I'm working around my [soap] schedule to do it. I play this wannabe 19-year-old actress/model who does tampon commercials and she thinks she's really cool because she dates a rock star. She has this cousin who had a traumatic experience at a young age and developed a subsequent disorder where she just stayed at that young age. She's the same age mentally even though her body has physically grown older. The film shows the differences between the two women.

What else do you have going on besides B&B?

I'm talking to some music labels and am up for some film parts. I have some [contractual] outs, but I haven't used them yet. I'm writing a screenplay right now with the director of Luna Butterfly's.

Was there much of a break between when you left Sunset Beach and your role and when you joined B&B?

No. It was about two weeks. It was so weird. The week I left, three soaps wanted me to read for them. All My Children, Guiding Light and B&B. I knew I was going to get something. I honestly believe that everything happens in life for a reason and I think the reason that I left Sunset Beach was because I was supposed to get this wonderful part on B&B.

Intervju: Adrienne Frantz i Glamour

Vi har fått en exklusiv intervju med en av världens hetaste såpastjärna - Adrienne Frantz, 21, som spelar Amber i ”Glamour”.

Precis som Amber är Adrienne ung, ambitiös och framgångsrik. Hon är bara 21, men har redan varit med i två av världes mest populära såpor, släppt en skiva och spelat in två filmer.

Hon erkänner att hon är arbetsnarkoman, men förklarar att hon försöker koppla av med yoga, trädgårdsarbete och renovering av antika möbler. ringer upp henne för att prata om arbete, avkoppling och Amber.

Hej Adrienne, hur är läget?

– Bara bra, tack. Det är rätt sent här i Los Angeles och jag har en kompis på besök, det är skådespelerskan som kommer att spela min kusin Becky i nästa års avsnitt av ”Glamour”. Vi har ett ”slumberparty”.

Har man slumberpartyn i verkligheten, är det inte bara på TV?

– Nej, faktiskt händer det i verkligheten! Vi har kollat på TV och lyssnat på musik och hon ska sova över här och i morgon ska vi få massage och ansiktsbehandling.

Och jag som trodde att du jobbade jämt!

– Ja, det gör jag. Jag älskar verkligen att jobba, jag erkänner att jag är något av en arbetsnarkoman men det är å andra sidan det enda beroendet jag har. Just nu spelar jag in sex avsnitt av ”Glamour” på fyra dagar så jag får alltid en extra dag ledig och det är skönt. Men samtidigt så jobbar jag vidare med min musik och har precis påbörjat ett samarbete med en ny manager, vi håller på att välja skivbolag. Dessutom har jag spelat in två filmer som kommer ut nästa år: Jimmy Zip och Speedway Junky (Gus van Sants nya).

Är framgång viktig för dig?

– Ja, framgång är viktig. Jag har jobbat väldigt hårt för att komma dit jag är i dag. Men jag är inte som Amber att jag tror att jag måste gifta mig för att komma någonstans, jag är en väldigt stark kvinna som tror på mig själv och som vet att jag kan få det jag vill ha om jag kämpar tillräckligt hårt. Jag har kommit långt för att var så ung, jag är ju bara 21 år.

Är du lik Amber på något annat sätt?

– Ja, jag är precis som Amber en sprudlande personlighet och precis som Amber så klär jag mig i bland tokigt, jag kan ha helgalna platåskor en dag och en vacker klänning nästa dag. Hennes makeup är visserligen en aning färgstark för min smak, men det händer att jag sminkar mig mycket också. Men Amber har en del elaka sidor också och det har förstås inte jag!

Vad tycker du om Amber?

– Jag älskar henne, hon är en underbar roll att spela, hon är så oförutsägbar.

Vad vilka reaktioner får du från publiken?

– En del älskar Amber och en del hatar henne. Det är bra, det är så det ska vara med en såpakarraktär.

I Sverige har Amber nyss gift sig med Rick, men man undrar ju om hon verkligen älskar honom eller om det bara är hans namn och pengar hon är ute efter?

– Från början var hon nog bara ute efter hans pengar, men sedan hon lärt känna honom så älskar hon honom verkligen. Han är den enda personen som hon kunnat lita på.

Jag har läst att du flyttade hemifrån redan när du var 16 år, är det sant?

– Ja, jag ville bli skådespelerska och där jag bodde - i Michigan - fanns det inga sådana möjligheter. Så jag flyttade till New York och gjorde en del reklamfilm och spelade teater, jag spelade Hermia i ”En midsommarnatts dröm” i nio månader. Sedan började jag på Marymount Collage men efter en månad så fick jag en roll i ”Sunset beach” så jag hoppade av skolan. Det är den dyraste månaden jag har haft, jag blev tvungen att betala för hela terminen för skolan vägrade att ge mig pengarna tillbaks.

Du var med i ”Sunset Beach” i ett halvår innan du hoppade över till ”Glamour” för två och ett halvt år sedan. Varför bytte du?

– Det är alltid kaos kring en ny serie och nu har ju ”Sunset beach” dessutom lagts ner. Så om man har möjlighet att välja mellan en serie som ska läggas ner och en serie som ”Glamour” som har gått i 15 år, så är valet självklart. Jag kunde förstås inte ha vetat då att det skulle gå som det skulle för ”Sunset Beach”, men jag hade nog en känsla. Nu är jag ju förstås glad att jag valde som jag gjorde.

Hur har rollen som Amber förändrat ditt liv?

– På alla sätt. ”Glamour” är ju mitt stora genombrott och det bästa som kunde ha hänt i min karriär. Jag har fått filmroller och jag får fortsätta skriva musik. Och jag tror att jag kommer att bli ännu mer framgångsrik längre fram i livet.

Har du flyttat till Los Angeles nu?

– Ja, faktum är att jag precis har köpt ett nytt hus här. Jag flyttade in i fredags och har bara i dag fått telefonen inkopplad. Du är en av de allra första som ringer.

Bor du fortfarande själv?

– Nej, min mamma har flyttat in. Huset har tre våningar och den ena våningen är avskild från de andra så där bor min mamma. Jag har precis flyttat hit henne från Michigan.

Det där låter väldigt ”Glamour” - jag har flyttat hit min mamma...

– Ja, det har du rätt i! Men min mamma är tack och lov inte alls som Ambers mamma, min mamma är psykolog och hade Ambers mamma varit det så skulle Amber inte ha suttit i den situationen som hon är i!

Hur länge har du kontrakt med ”Glamour”?

– I tre år till så ni blir inte kvitt Amber i första taget!

Men då måste du försöka ta hand om dig och inte bara jobba hela tiden.

– Jag försöker ta hand om mig själv och hitta balans. Men när jag tar semester så slutar det konstigt nog alltid med att jag jobbar i alla fall. Men när jag skriver musik - även om det är jobbrelaterat - så kopplar jag av, det är ett avbrott till att jobba med ”Glamour”. Men jag gillar också att måla och framför allt så älskar jag att renovera gamla möbler. Det kanske låter som något som en gammal dam skulle hålla på med, men det är väldigt avkopplande. Och jag har tagit yogaklasser tidigare.

Du får kanske prova på trädgårdsodling nu när du har köpt hus?

– Ja, jag har rosor och brukar gå ut och pyssla om dem, trädgårdsarbete är avkopplande. Jag har också apelsinträd och i morse gick jag ut och plockade apelsiner och gjorde färsk apelsinjuice - det känns underbart!

Eva B Kjeller



manolis_varnassinger asks: Adrienne do you watch the other show of Bell, Young and the Restless, and what do you think?

Adrienne: Well, I watch it occasionally because I have friends on it and I think that Bill Bell is absolutely amazing...he's created two wonderful shows...I like y & R but I love B & B.

dreamy_sandman asks: At what age did you receive your first kiss?

Justin: Wow I don't remember! Probably, like... 14 or something like that.

Ashley: I was 14.

Adrienne: Is this when you initiated a kiss or did somebody else kisses you? I got in trouble in kindergarten for going around kissing the boys. I was five.

rickspringfan1983 asks: Adrienne...You play such a dramatic role...How do you do it?

Adrienne: I use substitution in everything that I do which is basically taking life experiences and acting so I kind of substitute. It makes it more realistic.

Ashley: But in your own life, you always have some drama going on, Adrienne! You're not anything like your character, but there's drama.

Adrienne: Oh always!

Kristi_Scott asks: Who were your first influences when you were beginning acting?

Adrienne: I am a depends..Meg Ryan, I love Meg Ryan! There are so many amazing actresses....glen Close, Meryll Streep, I saw Sophie's Choice and said "I am going to be an actress"...I wanted to act when I was two...I wanted to be Barbara Streisand for a short time!

Justin: I really like comedy. I like Robin Williams a lot. Nicholas Cage. They're the actors I really appreciate.

Ashley: Michelle Pfiffer stands out in my mind.

Mel18_99 asks: I think Amber is a lot like Brooke. Is this part of the reason why Brooke doesn't like Amber? In the future could Brook and Amber be like the current Stefanie and Brooke situation?

Adrienne: I think that's what's happening now. I think Brooke's becoming Stephanie in her own sense and Amber's becoming Brooke. She's such a versatile character and Brooker know what's going to happen next. I think that's basically what's going on. That's why it bothers Kimberly so much.

Yael_Israeli_fan asks: Do you have a special trick to memorize your lines?

Adrienne: We'd try to start the scene and we'd start laughing and I'd calm down and then she'd laugh and then she'd calm down and I'd laugh.

Justin: Well, no, actually, it's not really a special trick. I sit down every night, for like an hour or so, and I run it, and rerun it, in front of the mirror. By then it's memorized.

Adrienne: I have a photographic memory. I look at something and I know it. It's so simple for me. I literally read my lines three times and I know it and that's it.

Ashley: I memorize lines pretty quickly. I just go over it a couple of times. I run with the person I'm doing with three times.

Justin: Yeah, three is really the key.

Adrienne: Bigger speeches I have, it's easy for me because I see it in my head. It's so hard to describe what a photographic memory is like when I have three or four page monologues I'm like "Yes Brad thank you!"

manolis_varnassinger asks: Adrienne how would u describe your character amber.

Adrienne: I'd say she's the most talented role I've ever played. She's completely versatile. She is basically, she's very misunderstood, she's not necessarily evil. She does things without thinking first.

lovelytigerlily asks: Adrienne, did you like working with Usher?

Adrienne: Yeah he's really sweet. He really is. He's a character in himself. He had great presence and a lot of energy. He was a good actor, I could see things. He didn't feed. He fed me lines. When you're acting in a scene and people give you energy to the scene and things like that, you feed off things like that as an actor and he did that very well.

bessie_lou asks: I lost my first born so I can relate to losing a baby but so many soaps are having the babies die now.

Adrienne: I know that and I know they're all stealing the story line from B & B I just think that all the other soaps just wish they could be as good as B & B and that's why they're doing it! Because B & B is the best show on daytime!

manolis_varnassinger asks: Justin what is like working with Ronn Moss (Ridge), John McCook (Eric) and Susan Flannery (Stephanie)?

Justin: It's an absolute pleasure.They're all excellent actors.I haven't gotten to work much with Ron Moss. He's an incredibly interesting person though.It keeps work fun! Adrienne: Agree.

Yael_Israeli_fan asks: Do you answer your fan mail?

Adrienne: Yes I do but I'm really, really far behind because there are a lot of you out there. So if I haven't answered anything just keep looking in the mail because it's coming!

Ashley: Yes. My mom reads every single letter, and I have cards that I'll sign, so I take two days to sit there a couple of hours and sign fan mail.

Justin: I've just started answering it. For awhile I couldn't because they didn't want people to see what I looked like.

Kristi_Scott asks: Do you guys think this show will last for a long time, or dwindle out?

Ashley: It will last forever!

Adrienne: Mmm hmm.

Justin: I'd say it's been around for a long time and it's here to stay.

Adrienne: The number one show in the world.

ambermoore14 asks: Adrienne, who do you think that Amber belongs with, Rick or CJ?(CJ!!!!)

Adrienne: That's a good question! I think that CJ will always be in love with Amber, but Amber thinks she's in love with Rick. Personally I think Amber and CJ are more---i think they'd be a perfect match if they ever realized that they're a perfect match.

Justin: No, I hear ya! I agree. I think they're more of kindred spirits than Rick and Amber.

Ashley: I think that Kimberly and Rick belong together, and I think CJ and Amber belong together. But Amber and Rick can be run together too.

bessie_lou asks: What is it like working with another Rick after having worked with Jacob so long?

Ashley: I really enjoyed working with Jacob, and I think he was a good Rick, but I think this is going to be good. It doesn't bother me at all. I think Justin's going to be a really good Rick and we'll be good together. I actually think it's a positive change.

Adrienne: I like working with Justin. I think he's gonna give a lot to the role and I'm really excited that he's on the show. No comment otherwise.


Adrienne: Yeah, I did. I was pissed, I wanted Amber to be able to go in there and be like "Hello listen to me, I'm your wife, you shouldn't be jealous over some little, sleazy, girl!" But I really wanted to say it but I know that they--

Ashley: Yeah, right, whatever, just because Rick is in love with Kimberly... I'm kidding!

SuzefromSyd asks: What do you like to do when you're not acting?Hobbies/interests? Justin: I was a ski instructor in Colorado. I taught skiing to handicapped people for a couple years.

Adrienne: I like to sing, I like to write music and I have a little recording studio at my house which I like to mess around with. I like to go pick fresh oranges and make fresh squeezed oranges. I like to pick flowers. I like to paint. I like to review antique furniture. All kinds of things!

Ashley: I like to sing. I shop a lot. Whenever there's sun out I lay out.

Justin: That's why you have the best tan that man has ever known!

Ashley: I'm crazy with my tan! I have to be tan! I hang out with my family. I do a lot of church activities. I work out--go run at the beach sometimes. Just simple things. I love Disneyland. I've been twice in the last month. I love the Indiana Jones ride.

michofek asks: Do you ever get lines that you do not want to say? Can you change them?

Adrienne: I change my lines all the time. I'm constantly changing them. I know the character and sometimes they write lines that people don't say. Like teenagers don't say--"ooh that's really hip" and I'll change lines like that.

Ashley: You guys, my dad just now saw Justin, and he was like, "Wow, that's the new Rick? He looks like a Rick!"

Justin: I look like a Rick?

Ashley: He keeps rewinding it and freeze-framing it on your face!

Justin: That's good. I like that.

Ashley: There are lines that I get that I don't want to say. We ask if we can change them and most of the time they let us.

Justin: It's a little different for me. I'm new, and I feel uncomfortable, but it's nice to have the freedom to suggest. Sometimes it works for the better. The lines come out smoother. The acting is more believable.

SuzefromSyd asks: Who is your FAVORITE CHARACTER on B&B and why?

Ashley: I would have to say Sally Spectra. I love her as a person, and as a character. She's so dramatic and funny I love doing scenes with her. Her hair... it's everything! She's so fun to watch.

Adrienne: My favorite character would probably have to be Stephanie because she's such a powerful character and she's such a great actress.

Justin: I agree... Stephanie. She's really the powerhouse of the Forrester family. She holds it all together. I really love her. I love Sally Spectra too.

manolis_varnassinger asks: Adrienne you are very pretty and talented how do you like working with the new Rick/Justin and do you keep in touch with the other actor who played Rick?

Adrienne: Thank you for the compliment! I love working with Justin, I think he's a really good actor and no I don't keep in touch with the old Rick.

ttoo_much_4_you asks: Which soap opera did you actually grow up watching, and what soap actor or actress do you model yourself after?

Ashley: I watched Y&R and B&B with my grandmother. We use to live right next door. I was named after the original Ashley from Y&R because that was my grandmother's favorite character. I can remember watching when I was 5. The character that I really loved was Nick and Sharon, the story line from Y&R.

Adrienne: Actually, I watched B & B went it first came in. My mom's secretary used to watch it so I'd sneak in and watch it with her and Guiding Light.

Justin: I was heavily involved in hockey and ski racing. I watched no TV at all. I lived in the mountains.