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Dr Deifallah Adajh


Deifallah Adajh


Assistant Professor




B.Sc :Chemical Engineering , Friderciana University at karlsruhe  W.Germany , 1974.

M.Sc :Mechanical Engineering , Carnegie - Mellon Un. USA 1981.

Ph.D :Mechanical Engineering , Un. of Oklahoma , USA 1988.

Area of interest

1- Fluid Mech.             

2- Heat Transfer.

3- Thermodynamics.

4- MHD-Flow.

5- Solar Enargy.

Selected Publications
1.    Dajeh D.A “Numerical Investigation of Fully Developed Magento-hydro-dynamic Flows in Ducts” Mu’tah Journal for Research and studies, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 135-165, 1996.
2.   Smolentsev S.Yu  and Dajeh D.A “ The Effect of a Conducting Inclusion on the head Transfer in Fully developecl MHD Flow in Rectangular  Channel” Magneto Hydro dynamics, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 257-361,1996.
3.    Smolentsev S.Yu , Tananaer A.V. and Dajeh D.A “Heat Transfer Intensification in Near-Wall MHD-Flow” International Conference and Fluid Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, July 13-16.1992.
4.    Shariah A.and Dajeh D.A. and Malh N. “Best Connection Scheme of Collector Modules of thermosyphon Solar Water Heater Operated at High Temp.” International Journal of Renewable Engineering, July 10. 1998. U.K
5.Dajeh and Kortikor “Numerical Study of Film Cooling in sub and supersonic Turbulent Compressible Flow on Curved Surfaces” Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Vol. 2, pp. 117-124, July 1991. Egypt.