Federation of Naval Associations
The FNA Guardian Ensign - Read another excerpt - PDF File

TAPS WAV file Compliments of HWAS International
Click HERE and Learn About the "ORIGIN OF TAPS"

Missing in Action and Memorial Notices

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More Missing in Action Notices

Click HERE to Read Memorial for:
Colour Sergeant L. E. Rappe
Click HERE to Read Memorial for:
Ordinary Seaman Gerard Newport
Click HERE to Read Memorial for:
Chief Stoker William Henry Lipscombe
Compliments of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission

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Click anywhere, on the above image, to expand the Plaque
commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Crete
Courtesy of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture.

George VI, King-Emperor and the George Cross

The George Cross
Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood
The Official Website of the British Monarchy

Email: internetaction@yahoo.com

Click HERE to visit the Roxboro Volunteer Fire Brigade Website

Follow this link to View Updated Photos of Missing Children

Click HERE --or-- HERE to visit these Highly Recommended Internet Resources

Click Here to Visit Page Dedicated to George Lipscombe
and H.M.S. Cruiser etc.