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Urs Koenig's blog
Friday, 1 May 2009
Catched it! Oops!... I did it again
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Life

- Pike season opening 2009.
- All my fishing colleagues go for it every year (they’re on the lake at
- I missed the day at least for a decade.
- I started late today (
- At
I was planning to go home to cook for the kids.
- Last try on
, strike!
- Landed
- Pike (a Lady), 98cm, 6kg.
- Released
11:05am (needed some more minutes before she swam away).

- It was the record pike of the day (as far as I know).
- It’s my second biggest pike, missing my record of 1987 by 2cm.

Picture? Here (no more space on Angelfire):

Posted by retro/qlvsjaguar at 9:08 PM MEST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 1:39 PM MEST
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Sunday, 25 January 2009
Oh dear, 2009 seems to be even worse than 2008
Topic: Life

While the first few days of 2009 were OK (skiing holidays in the Alps, first week at work was silent, QL 25th anniversary went great), the last two weeks were just horror!

Both kids were sick with up to 40 degree Celsius fever. One of our customers forced us to work two weeks day and night even last weekend. Sandra was also sick and still had to go to work.Cry

This weekend was better if not ok. Smile

Time for the family. Saturday evening I went to the cinema with Sandra. We were highly hit by the movie slumdog millionaire It's a must see, especially if you are in a mood as we are those days.

Tomorrow I have to go to our HQ in Leipzig. So let's see what this week brings?!

Posted by retro/qlvsjaguar at 9:29 PM CET
Updated: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 1:45 PM MEST
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Sunday, 14 September 2008
Mabuhay Filipino
Topic: Life

Today I met my fellow Markus at his home in Zurich at his farewell party. He started a Master's degree programme in Microfinance in the Philippines this summer and came back home to lift the anchors and to say good bye.

Posted by retro/qlvsjaguar at 8:48 PM MEST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 1:46 PM MEST
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Sunday, 5 August 2007
Sleepless in Eschenbach
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Mix Megapol (Swedish Radio Station)
Topic: Life

Wir hatten einen schönen Abend mit Edith und Seppi. Die Ausfahrt mit dem Adler (Baujahr 1939) und das Essen in der Kaltenherberge war unser Hochzeitsgeschenk an sie. Ich hoffe die Überraschung ist geglückt...

Irgenwie ist mir der Wein nicht gut begekommen, mein Magen ist echt übersäuert. Seit 6 Uhr kann ich nicht mehr schlafen und bin aufgestanden. Zeitung gelesen, eMails auch, was könnte man noch machen?! Wieder mal einen Blog-Eintrag. Here it is.

 Mal sehen was der Sonntag noch bringt.

Posted by retro/qlvsjaguar at 7:13 AM MEST
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Tuesday, 2 January 2007
Wettrusten fur Weihnachten und Neujahr
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Life
Ach wie schon ist sie doch diese Festtagszeit. Doch dieses Jahr ging uns einiges auf die Nerven. Nein, wir sind nicht die typischen Norgeler oder Bunzlischweizer. Aber zwei, drei Feststellungen machen einem einfach nachdenklich.

Die hochgerusteten Weihnachtsbeleuchtungen an Eigenheimen oder auch so mancher Blockwohnung leuchten Jahr fur Jahr immer fruher und greller. Sie sind ja nur ein sichtbares Zeichen unserer Uberfluss- und Konsumgesellschaft. Wenn das so weiter geht, brauchen wir in Zukunft sicher zusatzliche AKW's.

Am Silvesternachmittag haben wir uns uber all die Feuerwerksverkaufsstande in den Stadten und Dorfern gewundert. Nun wissen wir auch warum. Kaum im neuen Jahr angekommen, knallte es aus allen Rohren. Unsere Kids (4 und 6) erschraken und fragten ob jetzt 1. August sei. Und als die erste Rakete an unser Fenster prallte fragte der Sohn ob das jetzt eine Bombe sei. Nein, Bomben waren das zum Gluck keine.

Bomben also nicht, aber wie ist es mit den Sturmgewehren und Waffen, welche wir Schweizer zu hause haben. Trotz super duper Weihnachtsbeleuchtung bleibt so manches Herz traurig und alleine. Da verwundert es nicht, dass gerade in der Festtagszeit so mancher freiwillig aus dem Leben scheidet.

Wir fur uns erfreuen uns sehr gerne an schonen offentlichen Weihnachtsbeleuchtungen und lassen lieber die Korken knallen als die Raketen. Prosit Neujahr.

Posted by retro/qlvsjaguar at 12:01 AM CET
Updated: Wednesday, 3 January 2007 11:10 AM CET
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Sunday, 31 December 2006
2007 - Happy New Year!
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Advertising Space by Robbie Williams (watching his Leeds 2006 concert on TV)
Topic: Life
2006 is over soon. This year we did enjoy white christmas in Diemtigtal. Our kids went to ski school for the first time. Sandra and myself enjoyed the sunny blue sky in the alps. We wish you and your families all the best in the New Year. The Konigs

Posted by retro/qlvsjaguar at 12:01 AM CET
Updated: Wednesday, 3 January 2007 11:29 AM CET
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Sunday, 27 August 2006
Maximilians first fish
Mood:  lucky
Topic: Life
Taking all together I must say that it was a cold, rainy weekend.

Friday evening the weather was still ok and we met Annemarie and Elizabeth at Isabelles place. Now we are up to date about life of our Californian family members. Tim has a new company called ZING (

Yesterday I finally made my 2005 tax report (Ufff this was hard to do as 2005 is so far away and papers got somehow lost in our house...). In the afternoon we went for family skateboarding to Lucerne. Before we really started heavy rain stoped us. We then went for a coffee an Icecream to Moevenpick Kantonalbank. At night I went to cinema to see Superman returns in Capitol 4. The original Superman was my first big screen cinema attendance back in 1978. I remember that my cousin Barbara was so kind to take me to the cinema with her car.

Today I worked on a contract in my home office. To have at least some sort of a sundays experience we all left to the Sempachersee for fishing in the afternoon. We catched about 10 Sonnenbarsche and a few perch (Egli). Maximilian at least catched one fish on his own while Yael still needed some help. We took 8 Sonnenbarsche to our home. They are in a large watertank now and will survive some days. We had to take them as it's not allowed to let them back into the lake as they are foreigners and need to be exhausted here.

Minutes ago I sent the contract for review to the customer. To do something good to me for the work, I just placed a bid on eBay for a rare copy of Iron Soldier 3 for my Samsung N504 Nuon DVD-Player. We'll see if I will be the winning bidder.

Good nite...Urs

Posted by retro/qlvsjaguar at 10:40 PM MEST
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