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WAV Files

All files on this page are in wav format common to all Microsoft Windows environments and many others. They are larger in size than RealAudio files but are of better quality.

Answering Machine 'Doom' The French Connection

Alien Invasion

Voice Mail from Hell

Monty Python

Sister System
Clint Eastwood Sly Stallone
Mission Impossible Madonna
Pulp Fiction Dial an Asshole
Rockford Files Learn Japanese
PMS Hot Line Kermit the Frog
Jim Stewart Reservoir Dogs
Star Trek: The Next Generation Sean Connery
George from Sienfield Problems in Space
Homer Simpson Bogie
Bob the burglar

As a result of exceeding my ISPs bandwidth quota by 700MB a day these files are now hosted on AngelFire (tell me about it!). As I'm likely to exceed their bandwidth quota soon email me with any broken links. Thanks!

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