Unit VIII: The Age of Anxiety
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.Unit Schedule
Date Due
Key Concepts to Master
  • the reasons why the Ottoman empire was in a state of sharp decline
  • the different kinds of ethnic tension and struggle for power that occurred as the empire fell apart
  • the key events related to the beginnings of the modern states of Turkey and Iran
  • the changing situation in Palestine and the reasons for growing tension between Jews and Arab nationalists in that region
  • the ways that the WWI peace settlement created economic problems in Europe during the 1920's
  • the causes of the Great Depression that started in 1929
  • the poltical and economic problems faced by European democracies in the 1920's
  • the conditions that led to the rise to power of the fascists in Italy
  • the policies and beliefs of Mussolini and the Italian Fascists
  • the methods used by Josef Stalin to come to Power in the Soviet Union
  • the policies Stalin implemented to radically change life in the Soviet Union
  • the conditions in Germany that led to the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party
  • the methods used by Hitler to gain total control over the German state
  • the big picture goals of Hitler and Nazi Germany
876-881, 882-884
  • the struggles between regions of Africa and the colonial powers that controlled them
  • the methods used by Mohandas Gandhi to work for and India independent of Great Britain
  • the growth of nationalist movements in SE Asian regions such as Vietnam
  • the efforts made by the Chinese Communist Party to gain control of China
  • the efforts of Jiang Jieshi and the Nationalists to maintain control of China

PowerPoint Requirements:

    5-7 Slides, think carefully about your slide topics

    a typical show might include 1-2 slides of important background information and 4-6 slides on specific case studies related to your topic

    get your text outline in first, then look for images and improve your design

    this is a kiosk style presentation, it needs to be self explanatory

    no font smaller than 32, titles need to be at least 44

    contrast between text and background is critical (you need lots of it!!!)

There will be an essay on the test, big shocker...

You will need to compare and contrast the various types of totalitarian dictators (fascist and communist) and the leadership style of Ghandi.