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name: brandon boyd
band: Incubus
position: lead vocals & percussion
birthday: Feb 5, 1976
birth: van nuys, ca
home: calabasas, ca
eyes/hair: brown/brown
education: calabasa hs, graduated 1994
height: 6'0"
favorite color: purple

latest on incubus:

» may 24 - Brandon's featured on the cover of July's YM Magazine.
» may 28 - "the morning view sessions" debuts on DVD/VHS !

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 Friday 5 July 2002
Cool huh? We basically got front row seats. :P

 Thursday 4 July 2002
12:55pm  HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! :D Everyone be safe and don't play with fireworks and light a house on fire like some people I remember doing a few summers ago. Yayaya. I can't find my flag shirt. Where the heck is it? :( I think I left it in Davis. Oh well. YAY! Two BBQs here I come!

Oh ya, I did the phone interview this morning. O_o I don't really want the job anymore. I'm probably gonna tell them I changed my mind, because the pay isn't worth it for 45 hours a week. Plus, they want me to teach robotics/programming/game designing. The graphics counselor postions are all filled. Poooop. Not as interested anymore. PLOP! :P That's ok, the job hunt shall continue.

Sun your buns!

 Wednesday 3 July 2002
09:16pm  I'm bored. Yesterday I had a fun time planting flowers in the backyard... ;_; it was quite a pathetic experience though. >_< Why? Because as I was planting the first one, I managed to slice the flower off. So all that was left in the ground was the root and a little bit of the stem. Go Jennie! Hecka slick. :P My mom was watching me, and she yelled out Impatient! and I was sad because I thought she was saying I was being impatient thus slicing the flower in half. But she laughed at me and told me the flower is called "Impatient." Hahaha. :P Woops. Oh well, I improved as I planted more and more. Flowers, yayyy. :D

Today I watched The Iron Giant and KiKi's Delivery Service on TV! Aww, I can't believe they put KiKi on tv. :( I like it better dubbed in Chinese. Hehe, I used to watch that a lot when I was young. Such nice memories. Hehe. The Iron Giant is a sad story. ;_; It made me tear when he said "I am superman" and he volunteered to blow himself up to save the townspeople. Aww. Hm... Power Puff Girls movie comes out tonight... I wonder if Izzy is gonna watch it. XD

I want to go see the fireworks in SF. I've never been there for the Fourth of July before. But tmrw is Aaron's birthday (and Emy's, Happy Birthday to both of you!), and there are two parties to go to. Woohoo. Two BBQs. My tummy is going to become a big balloon. :P

New splash, anyone notice? Major changes coming around soon (I hope)!

P.S. The computer camp lady called this morning and left me a message. She wants to arrange a phone interview. ;) Woohooo!